#This is the resource bundle for the SAPUI5 sap.f library # #XTXT: Text indicating the current moment for the dateTimestamp in the Header CARD_HEADER_DATETIMESTAMP_NOW=now #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPage`s roledescription attribute DYNAMIC_PAGE_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Dynamic Page #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader Area Expanded state EXPANDED_HEADER=Expanded header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader Area Snapped state SNAPPED_HEADER=Snapped header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Pin Button of the DynamicPageHeader Area when it is not pressed PIN_HEADER=Pin Header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader Area when it is without title DEFAULT_HEADER_TEXT=Header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Title of the DynamicPageHeader Area when it is pressed TOGGLE_HEADER=Toggle header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_TOOLTIP=Avatar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the AvatarGroup Popup AVATARGROUP_POPUP=Has popup type dialog #XACT: ARIA announcement for the number of Avatars (displayed and hidden) AVATARGROUP_NUMBER_OF_AVATARS=Conjoined avatars, {0} avatars displayed, {1} avatars hidden, activate for complete list #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_BEGIN_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=First column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_MID_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=Middle column #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back FCL_END_COLUMN_REGION_TEXT=Last column #XTOL: Announced text when expand/collapse button is pressed FCL_FIRST_COLUMN_EXPANDED_MESSAGE=First column expanded #XTOL: Announced text when expand/collapse button is pressed FCL_MIDDLE_COLUMN_EXPANDED_MESSAGE=Middle column expanded #XTOL: Announced text when expand/collapse button is pressed FCL_LAST_COLUMN_EXPANDED_MESSAGE=Last column expanded #XTOL: Tooltip for FCL column-separators FCL_SEPARATOR_MOVE=Press ARROW keys to move #XTOL: Tooltip on the button that collapses the header area COLLAPSE_HEADER_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Collapse Header #XTOL: Tooltip on the button that expands the header area EXPAND_HEADER_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Expand Header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the DynamicPageHeader`s roledescription attribute SEMANTIC_PAGE_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Semantic Page #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Edit button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EDIT=Edit #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Add button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ADD=Add #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Delete button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DELETE=Delete #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Save button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE=Save #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Copy button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_COPY=Copy #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Accept button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACCEPT=Accept #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Reject button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_REJECT=Reject #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Flag button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FLAG=Flag #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Favorite button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FAVORITE=Favorite #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Send E-Mail button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_EMAIL=Send E-Mail #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Discuss in SAP Work Zone button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DISCUSS_IN_WORK_ZONE=Discuss in SAP Work Zone #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Share on SAP Work Zone button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SHARE_ON_WORK_ZONE=Share on SAP Work Zone #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Send Message button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_MESSAGE=Send Message #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Print button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_PRINT=Print #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl Message indicator button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MESSAGES_INDICATOR=Messages #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE=Share #XTOL: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button shortcut hint SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE_SHORTCUT=Ctrl+Shift+S #XTOL: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button shortcut hint on macOS SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE_SHORTCUT_MAC=Cmd+Shift+S #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" FullScreen button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FULL_SCREEN=Full Screen #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" ExitFullScreen button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EXIT_FULL_SCREEN=Exit Full Screen Mode #XBUT: sap.f.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Close button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CLOSE=Close #XACT ARIA announcement (aria-roledescription) for an sap.f.Card ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD=Card #XACT: ARIA announcement (aria-roledescription) for the header of an sap.f.Card when the header is not interactable ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD_HEADER=Card Header #XACT: ARIA announcement (aria-roledescription) for the header of an sap.f.Card when the header is interactable ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_INTERACTIVE_CARD_HEADER=Interactive Card Header #XACT: sap.f.Card "Card Content" aria-label text ARIA_LABEL_CARD_CONTENT=Card Content #XACT: ARIA announcement (aria-labelledby) for internal actions and navigation actions toolbar aggregations inside sap.f.DynamicPage / sap.f.SemanticPage ARIA_LABEL_TOOLBAR_HEADER_ACTIONS=Header actions #XACT: ARIA announcement (aria-labelledby) for internal footer actions toolbar aggregation inside sap.f.DynamicPage / sap.f.SemanticPage ARIA_LABEL_TOOLBAR_FOOTER_ACTIONS=Footer actions #XACT: sap.f.Card "Avatar" text ARIA_HEADER_AVATAR_TEXT=Avatar #XACT: ARIA announcement of the ShellBar container SHELLBAR_CONTAINER_LABEL=Shell Bar #XTOL: ShellBar logo tooltip SHELLBAR_LOGO_TOOLTIP=Logo #XTOL: ShellBar CoPilot tooltip SHELLBAR_COPILOT_TOOLTIP=Joule #XTOL: ShellBar Search button tooltip SHELLBAR_SEARCH_TOOLTIP=Search #XTOL: ShellBar Notifications button tooltip SHELLBAR_NOTIFICATIONS_TOOLTIP=Notifications #XTOL: ShellBar Profile button tooltip SHELLBAR_PROFILE_TOOLTIP=Profile #XTOL: ShellBar Products button tooltip SHELLBAR_PRODUCTS_TOOLTIP=My Products #XTOL: ShellBar Back button tooltip SHELLBAR_BACK_TOOLTIP=Navigate Back #XTOL: ShellBar Menu button tooltip SHELLBAR_MENU_TOOLTIP=Menu #XACT: ARIA announcement of ProductSwitch container PRODUCTSWITCH_CONTAINER_LABEL=Products #XACT: ARIA announcement of GridContainer item keyshortcuts GRIDCONTAINER_ITEM_KEYSHORTCUTS=Press TAB to enter item #XACT: ARIA announcement of GridContainer roledescription GRIDCONTAINER_ROLEDESCRIPTION=Item List #XACT CalendarInCard header navigation announcement CALENDAR_NAVIGATION=Calendar Navigation #XBUT: Today button of CalendarInCard control CALENDAR_TODAY=Today #XACT CalendarInCard header Today button announcement CALENDAR_NAVIGATE_TO_TODAY=Navigate to the current day #XACT CalendarInCard header's datepicker accessibility announcement CALENDAR_SELECT_RANGE=Select range #XBUT Cancel button text in the Calendar CALENDAR_CANCEL=Cancel #XACT Arrow left button text in the navigation in the Calendar CALENDAR_BTN_PREV=Previous #XACT Arrow right button text in the navigation in the Calendar CALENDAR_BTN_NEXT=Next #XACT More button text in the Calendar Legend CALENDAR_LEGEND_MORE=More #XBUT: sap.f.SidePanel Close button text SIDEPANEL_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT=Close #XBUT: sap.f.SidePanel Expand/Collapse button 'Expand' text SIDEPANEL_EXPAND_BUTTON_TEXT=Expand #XBUT: sap.f.SidePanel Expand/Collapse button 'Collapse' text SIDEPANEL_COLLAPSE_BUTTON_TEXT=Collapse #XBUT: sap.f.SidePanel 'More Actions' text SIDEPANEL_MORE_ACTIONS_TEXT=More Actions #XBUT: sap.f.SidePanel 'Show Less' text SIDEPANEL_SHOW_LESS_TEXT=Show Less #XACT: sap.f.SidePanel "Side Panel Content" aria-label text SIDEPANEL_CONTENT_ARIA_LABEL=Side Panel Content #XACT: sap.f.SidePanel "Selected" announcement text SIDEPANEL_NAV_ITEM_SELECTED=Selected #XACT: sap.f.SidePanel Default aria-label text for the side panel SIDEPANEL_DEFAULT_ARIA_LABEL=Side Panel #XMIT: sap.f.SidePanel context menu minimum width menu item text SIDEPANEL_CONTEXTMENU_MINIMUM_WIDTH=Collapse to Minimum Width #XMIT: sap.f.SidePanel context menu default width menu item text SIDEPANEL_CONTEXTMENU_DEFAULT_WIDTH=Reset to Default Width #XMIT: sap.f.SidePanel context menu maximum width menu item text SIDEPANEL_CONTEXTMENU_MAXIMUM_WIDTH=Expand to Maximum Width #XACT: sap.f.SidePanel "Selected" announcement text SIDEPANEL_RESIZE_SPLITTER_TITLE=Resize Side Panel