#This is the resource bundle for the SAPUI5 sap.ui.documentation library # #XHED: Application header title text APP_HEADER_TITLE=UI5 Demo Kit #XALT: Application header logo alt text APP_HEADER_LOGO_ALT=UI5 Logo #XTXT: Application header search field placeholder text APP_HEADER_SEARCH_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER=Search Anything #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the home page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_HOME=Home #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Documentation' page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_DOCUMENTATION=Documentation #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'API Reference' page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_API_REFERENCE=API Reference #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Samples' page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_SAMPLES=Samples #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Demo Apps' page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_DEMO_APPS=Demo Apps #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Tools' page APP_TABHEADER_ITEM_TOOLS=Tools #XMIT: The submenu item that navigates to the 'Fiori Tools' page APP_TABHEADER_SUBITEM_FIORI_TOOLS=Fiori Tools #XMIT: The submenu item that navigates to the 'Icon Explorer' page APP_TABHEADER_SUBITEM_ICON_EXPLORER=Icon Explorer #XMIT: The submenu item that navigates to the 'UI5 Inspector' page APP_TABHEADER_SUBITEM_UI5_INSPECTOR=UI5 Inspector #XMIT: The submenu item that navigates to the 'UI5 Tooling' page APP_TABHEADER_SUBITEM_UI5_TOOLING=UI5 Tooling #XBUT: The button that allows to change the current version APP_CHANGE_VERSION_BTN=Change Version #XTXT: Text for beta version APP_VERSION_BETA_VERSION=Beta version #XTXT: Text for released version APP_VERSION_VERSION=Version #XTXT: Text for version that is not for productive use APP_VERSION_NOT_PRODUCTIVE=\u2013 not for productive use\! #XTXT: Text for version which is in development progress APP_VERSION_IN_PROGRESS=(in development) #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that opens the 'Feedback' dialog APP_FEEDBACK_BTN_TOOLTIP=Feedback #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that opens the 'News' dialog APP_NEWS_BTN_TOOLTIP=News #XBUT: The button that dismisses all news from the news popover marking them old APP_NEWS_DISMISS_ALL_BTN=Dismiss All News Items #XBUT: The button that shows all news by opening the 'News' dedicated view APP_NEWS_SHOW_ALL_BTN=Show All News #XTXT: Text shown in the 'News' popover when there are no new news APP_NEWS_NO_NEW_TEXT=No News #XBUT: Text for button that closes APP_SEARCH_FIELD_CLOSE=Close #XTOL: Tooltip for the 'Settings' button that opens an additional menu APP_INFORMATION_BTN_TOOLTIP=Settings #XTOL: Tooltip for the 'Legal' button that opens an additional menu APP_LEGAL_BTN_TOOLTIP=Legal Information #XMIT: The menu item that opens the 'Give Feedback' dialog APP_INFORMATION_BTN_FEEDBACK=Feedback #XMIT: The menu item that opens the 'About' dialog APP_INFORMATION_BTN_ABOUT=About #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Legal Disclosure' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_LEGAL=Legal #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'SAP Privacy Statement' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_PRIVACY=Privacy #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'TERMS OF USE FOR SAP WEBSITES' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_TERMS_OF_USE=Terms of Use #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the Appearance options APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE=Appearance #XMIT: The menu item that selects the Appearance Light option APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE_LIGHT=Light #XMIT: The menu item that selects the Appearance Dark option APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE_DARK=Dark #XMIT: The menu item that selects the Appearance High Contrast Black option APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE_HCB=High Contrast Black #XMIT: The menu item that selects the Appearance High Contrast White option APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE_HCW=High Contrast White #XMIT: The menu item that selects the Appearance Auto option APP_INFORMATION_BTN_APPEARANCE_AUTO=Auto (Depending on the OS Settings) #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'SITEMAP' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_SITEMAP=Sitemap #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Copyright' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_COPYRIGHT=Copyright #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Trademarks' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_TRADEMARK=Trademark #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'Disclaimer' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_DISCLAIMER=Disclaimer #XMIT: The menu item that navigates to the 'License' page APP_INFORMATION_BTN_LICENSE=License #XTXT: The information note about cookies that were used in the application APP_COOKIES_TEXT=We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. By continuing to use this website, you consent to use our cookies. #XMIT: The menu item that opens the 'News' dialog APP_INFORMATION_BTN_NEWS=News #XMIT: The menu item that opens the 'Setting' submenu APP_INFORMATION_BTN_SETTINGS=Settings #XMIT: The menu item that opens the 'Polices' submenu APP_INFORMATION_BTN_POLICIES=Policies #XHED: New news Group title NEWS_NEW_GROUP_TITLE=New #XHED: Read/Old news Group title NEWS_READ_GROUP_TITLE=Read #XMIT: Text for button which marks all news as read/old NEWS_BTN_MARK_AS_READ=Mark All as Read #XMIT: Text for button which forwards the user to the page URL described in the link of the news item NEWS_BTN_VISIT_LINK=Visit Link #XHED: Title for the Message Page in case of news preparation failure NEWS_PREP_FAILURE_TITLE=News could not be loaded #XHED: The title of the 'Give Feedback' dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_TITLE=Give Feedback #XFLD: The label of the rating button in the 'Give Feedback' dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_OVERALL=How is your overall experience? #XFLD: The label of the textarea in the 'Give Feedback' dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_MESSAGE=What would you like to tell us? #XFLD: The placeholder of the textarea in the 'Give Feedback' dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER=You can share your feedback for the overall Demo Kit experience or for the specific page you are currently viewing. #XCKL: The label that indicates that the feedback is linked to this page FEEDBACK_DIALOG_RELATED=Feedback is related to the current page. #XLNK: Text for the link that shows the context data FEEDBACK_DIALOG_SHOW_DATA=Show Context Data #XTX: Text note in the 'Give Feedback' dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_DISCLAIMER=Your feedback is anonymous, we do not collect any personal data. #XBUT: The button that sends the feedback and closes the dialog FEEDBACK_DIALOG_BTN_SEND=Send #XBUT: Text for cancel button FEEDBACK_DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL=Cancel #XTXT: Text for rating 5 FEEDBACK_DIALOG_STATUS_EXCELLENT=Excellent #XTXT: Text for rating 4 FEEDBACK_DIALOG_STATUS_GOOD=Good #XTXT: Text for rating 3 FEEDBACK_DIALOG_STATUS_AVERAGE=Average #XTXT: Text for rating 2 FEEDBACK_DIALOG_STATUS_POOR=Poor #XTXT: Text for rating 1 FEEDBACK_DIALOG_STATUS_VERY_POOR=Very Poor #XHED: The title of the message box that is shown when the feedback has been sent successfully FEEDBACK_DIALOG_TITLE_SUCCESS=Thank you\! #XTX: Text note that is shown when the feedback has been sent successfully FEEDBACK_DIALOG_TEXT_SUCCESS=Your feedback has been sent. #XHED: The title of the message box that is shown when error occured while sending the feedback FEEDBACK_DIALOG_TITLE_ERROR=Sorry\! #XTX: Text note that is shown when error occured while sending the feedback FEEDBACK_DIALOG_TEXT_ERROR=An error occurred sending your feedback\:\n #XHED: The title of the UX survey popover (only shown when multiple surveys are available) SURVEY_POPOVER_TITLE=Tell us what's on your mind. #XHED: The title of the long, quarterly survey SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_TITLE=User Experience Survey #XTXT: The text of the badge, informing the long survey is available SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_BADGE=NEW #XTXT: The last date the long survey is avaiable SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_AVAILABILITY=Available until #XTXT: The long survey description SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_DESC=Complete a five-minute survey and help us improve your product experience\! The survey will open in a new tab. #XBUT: The button that opens the long survey SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_BTN=Take Survey #XTOL: The tooltip of the long survey button SURVEY_POPOVER_LONG_SURVEY_BTN_TOOLTIP=External Link to Qualtrics User Experience Survey #XHED: The title of the default survey SURVEY_POPOVER_DEFAULT_SURVEY_TITLE=Share Your Feedback #XTXT: The default survey description SURVEY_POPOVER_DEFAULT_SURVEY_DESC=Your opinion matters. Share your thoughts with us at any time\! #XBUT: The button that opens the default survey SURVEY_POPOVER_DEFAULT_SURVEY_BTN=Give Feedback #XBUT: The button that closes the survey popover on mobile SURVEY_POPOVER_CLOSE_BTN=Close #XHED: The home page title WELCOME_BLOCK_1_TEXT_1=Discover New Enterprise Grade Horizons #XBUT: Text for button WELCOME_BLOCK_1_START_BTN=Get Started with UI5 #XBUT: Text for download button WELCOME_BLOCK_1_DOWNLOAD_BTN=Download #XHED: Group title WELCOME_KEY_FEATURES=Key Features #XHED: Group title WELCOME_START_CODING=Start Coding #XHED: Group title WELCOME_CHOOSE_SCENARIO=Choose Your Scenario #XHED: Group title WELCOME_JOIN_COMMUNITY=Join the Community #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_2_TITLE=Responsive Across Browsers and Devices #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_2_TEXT=No need to worry about device specifics\! UI5 apps run on smartphones, tablets, and desktops. The UI controls automatically adapt themselves to the capabilities of each device and make the most of the available real estate. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows responsiveness WELCOME_BLOCK_2_IMG_ALT=Picture showing phone, desktop screen and tablet #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TITLE=Powerful Development Concepts #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_1=UI5 was created by professionals for modern developers to build state of the art web applications. It comes with all features needed to cover most current application requirements. The UI5 core offers a solid foundation that simplifies your work by managing many aspects of modern development behind the scenes\: #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_2=Includes standards like MVC and various data-binding types #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_3=Choice of different view formats (XML, HTML, JavaScript, JSON) #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_4=Binding with OData, JSON, XML and other data formats #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_5=Built-in support tool for exploring the object tree and binding status #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_6=Translation and internationalization support #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_3_TEXT_7=Extensibility concepts at code and application level #XHED: The title of a block WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TITLE=Enterprise-Ready Web Toolkit #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_1=Why is UI5 used by all major SAP products as well as by many customers and partners? And why is it also successful in the open-source community beyond SAP? Here are some of the most important value addeds that UI5 delivers\: #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_2=Translation and internationalization support #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_3=Extensibility concepts at code and application level #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_4=High Contrast theme to aid visually impaired users #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_5=Easy to integrate into a consistent SAP ecosystem #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_6=Flexible tools for any type of developer #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_7=Benefit from new innovations while staying upgrade-compatible #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_4_TEXT_8=Unlimited usage in SAP and non-SAP technology stacks #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_5_TITLE=Award-Winning SAP Fiori Design in Action #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_5_TEXT=UI5 applications benefit from a consistent design language and predefined UX patterns across all frontend features. Use a predefined theme or try our online theming tool to create a custom theme. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Fiori design elements WELCOME_BLOCK_5_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP Fiori design elements #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_6_TITLE=Get Ready #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_6_TEXT_1=All you need to develop Web apps with UI5 is a development environment and a browser. For maximum convenience, you can use SAP Business Application Studio in the cloud. For maximum flexibility, you have the alternative choice of setting up your local development environment. #XTXT: Block description. After the ":" there's an inline link with link text "Live Editor" which is not translatable. WELCOME_BLOCK_6_TEXT_2=Try the first example here\: #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_7_TITLE=UI5 Evolution #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_7_TEXT_1=UI5 evolution stands for fundamental improvements as part of an ongoing effort to advance SAPUI5, to enable applications to run faster, and code to become more modular. By embracing web standards, asynchronous loading, and emerging technologies, SAPUI5 continues to be a future-proof, enterprise-proven solution. #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_7_TEXT_2=We encourage developers to actively support and leverage the new capabilities. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows UI5 Evolution graph WELCOME_BLOCK_7_ALT=The UI5 evolution is creating innovation, providing build tooling, modular core, open standards, and gaining high performance using asynchronous loading. #XHED: The title of a block WELCOME_BLOCK_8_TITLE=SAPUI5 on SAP BTP #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_8_TEXT_1=Sign up for the free SAP BTP trial account to test the platform and build cloud-based UI5 apps. #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_8_TEXT_2=Easy-to-use development environment with SAP Business Application Studio #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_8_TEXT_3=Free trial for development use #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_9_TITLE=SAPUI5 (On-Premise) #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_9_TEXT_1=SAPUI5 is part of the user interface technologies in SAP HANA, NetWeaver ABAP, and Java systems. #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_9_TEXT_2=Ready to use for SAP customers #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_9_TEXT_3=Integrates with existing system landscapes #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_10_TITLE=OpenUI5 - Free and Open Source #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_10_TEXT_1=Try the open source variant of UI5. It contains all core UI5 features and is available on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_10_TEXT_2=Supported by the open source community #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_10_TEXT_3=Managed on GitHub - contributions welcome\! #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_11_TITLE=UI5 on Content Delivery Network #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_11_TEXT_1=Develop and run UI5 apps with the flexibility of a robust CDN. Files are loaded from the location closest to the user for optimal performance. #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_11_TEXT_2=Multi-version CDN to maintain a custom lifecycle #XTXT: Block description WELCOME_BLOCK_11_TEXT_3=For any on-premise and cloud development scenario #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_12_TITLE=SAP Community #XHED: Block title WELCOME_BLOCK_13_TITLE=Newsletter #XHED: Video Block title WELCOME_VIDEO_BLOCK_TITLE=What is SAPUI5? WELCOME_VIDEO_BLOCK_TEXT_1=SAPUI5 is an HTML5 framework for creating cross-platform, enterprise-grade web applications in an efficient way. What started as a small project is now one of the most successful technologies ever invented by SAP. WELCOME_VIDEO_BLOCK_TEXT_2=In this video, you can grasp the value of SAPUI5 in 110 seconds. On our SAP Community page, you can deep dive into more details of our leading UI technologies here. #XHED: Documentation page title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_DOCUMENTATION=Documentation #XBUT: Text for download button TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_DOWNLOAD_BTN=Download #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_1_TITLE=What's New? #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_1_TEXT=Find out about the new features in the latest UI5 versions #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_2_TITLE=Read Me First #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_2_TEXT=Important information before you start using UI5 productively #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_3_TITLE=Get Started #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_3_TEXT=Setup and tutorials #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_4_TITLE=Developing Apps #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_4_TEXT=Best practices and what pitfalls you should look out for #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_5_TITLE=Extending Apps #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_5_TEXT=Adapt apps to your specific requirements #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_6_TITLE=Developing Controls #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_6_TEXT=Create custom controls or contribute to UI5 #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_7_TEXT=UI patterns and templates for commonly used application patterns #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_8_TITLE=Analysis Path Framework #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_8_TEXT=Build and enhance interactive analytical web applications #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_9_TITLE=Essentials #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_9_TEXT=Development concepts, such as MVC, data binding, and components #XHED: Block title TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_10_TITLE=More About Controls #XTXT: Block description TOPIC_DETAIL_INIT_BLOCK_10_TEXT=Addition to the API Reference #XBUT: Text for button that navigates back to search results TOPIC_DETAIL_BACK_BTN=Back to Search Results #XBUT: Text for button that allows to edit the page in GitHub TOPIC_DETAIL_EDIT_GITHUB=Edit on GitHub #XTOL: Tooltip for the 'Edit on Github' button TOPIC_DETAIL_EDIT_GITHUB_TOOLTIP=Edit this page on GitHub #XTOL: Tooltip for the fullscreen button TOPIC_DETAIL_FULLSCREEN_TOOLTIP=Show this document in full screen mode #XTXT: Placeholder for the filter field TOPIC_MASTER_FILTER_PLACEHOLDER=Search #XTOL: Tooltip for button that expands a list of items TOPIC_MASTER_EXPAND_TOOLTIP=Expand All #XTOL: Tooltip for button that collapses a list of items TOPIC_MASTER_COLAPSE_TOOLTIP=Collapse All #XTXT: Text that is displayed when there are no results from the search TOPIC_MASTER_NO_DATA_TEXT=No data, please try with the global search #XHED: Section title ENTITY_ABOUT=About #XHED: Section title ENTITY_SAMPLES=Samples ({0}) #XTXT: The label that shows information about the API Reference page ENITITY_API=API Reference\: #XTXT: The label that shows information about the Documentation page ENTITY_DOCUMENTATION=Documentation\: #XTXT: The label that shows information about the UX Guidelines page ENTITY_UX=UX Guidelines\: #XTXT: The label that shows which is the extended control ENTITY_EXTENDS=Extends\: #XTXT: The label that shows application component ENTITY_COMPONENT=Application Component #XTXT: The label that shows release version ENTITY_SINCE=Available Since #XTXT: The label for sample category ENTITY_CATEGORY=Category #XTXT: The label for content density ENTITY_DENSITY=Content Density #XTXT: Text for deprecated controls ENTITY_DEPRECATED=Deprecated #XTOL: Tooltip for the fullscreen button ENTITY_FULLSCREEN_TOOLTIP=Show this sample in full screen mode #XBUT: Text for button that navigates back to search results ENTITY_BACK_BTN=Back to Search Results #XCOL: The sample name ENTITY_TABLE_NAME=Name #XCOL: The sample description ENTITY_TABLE_DESCRIPTION=Description #only descriptions are translated #XHED: Group title CONTROLS_PAGE_TITLE=Samples #XHED: Group title CONTROLS_PAGE_DESC=Explore and download code samples #XHED: Group title CONTROLS_FEATURED_CONTROLS=Featured Controls #XHED: Group title CONTROLS_LAYOUT_PAGES=Layout & Pages #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_1=User interaction #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_2=Various list structures #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_3=Simple or more powerful tables #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_4=Dialogs and popovers #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_5=Tiles for texts, images or charts, for instance #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_6=User notification #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_7=Toolbars and headers #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_8=Hierarchical data representation #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_9=Metadata-driven controls #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_10=Location visualization #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_11=Data visualization #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_12=Step-based interactions #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_13=Displaying, creating, or editing objects #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_14=Page with title, header, and content area #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_15=Page with up to 3 columns #XTXT: Block description CONTROLS_TEXT_16=Two-column layout #XTXT: The placeholder for the filter field CONTROLS_MASTER_FILTER_PLACERHOLDER=Search #XTOL: Tooltip for the group and filter button CONTROLS_MASTER_FILTER_BTN_TOOLTIP=Group / Filter #XTXT: Text that is displayed when there are no results from the search CONTROLS_MASTER_NO_DATA_TEXT=No data, please try with the global search. #XTOL: Tooltip for the back-navigation button CODE_BACK_BTN_TOOLTIP=Back to sample #XTOL: Tooltip for the API Reference button CODE_API_REFERENCE=API Reference #XTOL: Tooltip for the download button CODE_DOWNLOAD_BTN=Download #XHED: The change version dialog title CHANGE_VERSION_DIALOG_TITLE=Change Version #XBUT: Text for close button of dialog CHANGE_VERSION_DIALOG_CLOSE_BTN=Close #XBUT: Text for close button of dialog CHANGE_VERSION_DIALOG_APPLY_BTN=Apply #XBUT: Text for close button of dialog CHANGE_VERSION_DIALOG_LATEST_BTN=Latest #XHED: The title of the dialog that configures the Samples page APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TITLE=Settings #XFLD: The label of the field that defines sample theme APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_THEME=Theme\: #XFLD: The label of the field that defines the application language APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_LANGUAGE=Language #XFLD: The label of the field that opens the cookie settings dialog APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_COOKIE_PREFERENCES=Cookie Preferences #XTXT: The message strip of the field that defines the application language information APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_LANGUAGE_INFO=Keep in mind that the selected language applies only to the Demo Kit application user interface. The content provided in the application in the different sections, such as Documentation, API Reference, and Samples, is available only in English. #XFLD: The label of the field that defines the sample content density APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_DENSITY=Content Density\: #XLNK: Text for link for more information APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_READ_MORE=Read more about content densities #XFLD: The label of the field that enables/disables right-to-left mode APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_RTL=Right-to-Left Mode\: #XBUT: Text for the button that applies the configurations APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_OK_BTN=OK #XBUT: Text for the button that discards the configurations APP_SETTINGS_DIALOG_CANCEL_BTN=Cancel #XHED: The title of the dialog for configuring the cookie settings COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_TITLE=Your Cookie Settings #XTXT: Title of the section about the required cookies used in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_REQUIRED_COOKIES_TITLE=Required Cookies #XTXT: Summary note that explains what are the required cookies in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_REQUIRED_COOKIES_SUMMARY=These cookies are required to enable core site functionality. #XTXT: Detailed note that explains why we use the required cookies in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_REQUIRED_COOKIES_TEXT=We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. By continuing to use this site, you consent to use our cookies. #XTXT: Title of the section about the extra functional cookies used in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_TITLE=Functional Cookies #XTXT: Summary note that explains what are the functional cookies in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_SUMMARY=These cookies are used to analyze site usage for the purpose of measuring and improving site performance. #XTXT: Detailed note that explains why we use the functional cookies in the application COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_TEXT=This site uses SAP Web Analytics to analyze how users use this site. The information generated (including a part of your IP address and a browser ID) will be transmitted to and stored by SAP on its servers. Cookies are used to identify your repeat visit and the origin page of your visit. We will use this information only for the purpose of evaluating website usage and compiling reports on website activity for website operators - and finally, to improve the site. If you would like to opt-in for SAP Web Analytics tracking, please specify your preference using the "On"/"Off" switch above. By opt-in, you consent to the processing of analytics data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out above. #XTXT: Title of the panel that contains more detailed information COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_MORE_INFO=More Info #XTXT: Title of the button to accept all cookies COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_ACCEPT_ALL=Accept All #XTXT: Title of the button to reject all cookies COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_REJECT_ALL=Reject All #XTXT: Title of the button to open the edit panel to edit cookie preferences COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_SET_PREFERENCES=Set Preferences #XTXT: Title of the button to save the edited cookie preferences COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_FUNCTIONAL_COOKIES_SAVE_PREFERENCES=Save Preferences #XTXT: Title of the button to discard the edited cookie preferences COOKIE_SETTINGS_DIALOG_CANCEL_BTN=Cancel #XTXT: Text for empty page EMPTY_TEXT=Empty #XTXT: Text for downloads page DOWNLOADS_TEXT=Downloads #XHED: The 'Demo Apps' page title DEMO_APPS_TITLE=Demo Apps #XTXT: Subtitle for the 'Demo Apps' page (OpenUI5 version) DEMO_APPS_SUBTITLE_OPENUI5=Lists the demo apps that show you how you can use the various features and controls of OpenUI5. #XTXT: Subtitle for the 'Demo Apps' page (SAPUI5 version) DEMO_APPS_SUBTITLE_SAPUI5=Lists the demo apps that show you how you can use the various features and controls of SAPUI5. #XBUT: Text for read more button DEMO_APPS_READ_MORE_BTN=Read More #XHED: Group title DEMO_APPS_DOWNLOAD_OVERVIEW=Downloads Overview #XHED: Group title DEMO_APPS_CATEGORY_SHOWCASE=UI5 Concepts in Real-Life Scenarios #XHED: Group title DEMO_APPS_CATEGORY_TUTORIAL=Demo Apps with Tutorials #XHED: Group title DEMO_APPS_CATEGORY_RTA=SAPUI5 Flexibility Demo Apps #XHED: Group title DEMO_APPS_CATEGORY_MISC=Miscellaneous Demo Apps #XTXT: Text for application library DEMO_APPS_LIBRARY=Control Library\: #XHED: The legal disclaimer dialog title LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TITLE=Legal Disclaimer for Links #XLGD: Text for legal disclaimer section LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_LABEL_1=Links with the icon #XTOL: Tooltip for the image that indicates an external link LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_EXTERNAL_TOOLTIP=Information published on non-SAP site #XTXT: Text for legal disclaimer LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TEXT_1=You are entering a website that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) to this\: #XTXT: Text for legal disclaimer LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TEXT_2=- The content of the linked-to site is not SAP documentation. You may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information. #XTXT: Text for legal disclaimer LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TEXT_3=- SAP does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor does SAP warrant the availability and correctness. #XLGD: Text for legal disclaimer section LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_LABEL_2=Links with the icon #XTOL: Tooltip for the image that indicates an internal link LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_INTERNAL_TOOLTIP=Information published on SAP site #XTXT: Text for legal disclaimer LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_TEXT_4=You are leaving the documentation for that particular SAP product or service and are entering a SAP-hosted website. By using such links, you agree that (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) you may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information. #XLST: Category name VIEW_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ITEM_1=Alphabetically #XLST: Category name VIEW_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ITEM_2=Category #XLST: Category name VIEW_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ITEM_3=Content Density #XLST: Category name VIEW_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ITEM_4=Namespace #XLST: Category name VIEW_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ITEM_5=Release #XTOL: Tooltip for the back-navigation button SAMPLE_BACK_BTN_TOOLTIP=Back to samples #XTOL: Tooltip for the info button on samples SAMPLE_INFO_TOOLTIP=Sample information #XTOL: Tooltip for the info button on samples SAMPLE_EDITED_TOOLTIP=Sample is edited #XTOL: Tooltip for the info button on samples SAMPLE_EDITED_WARNING=This sample has been edited. To reset all changes, press the "Reset all Changes" button when previewing the source code. #XTOL: Tooltip for the API Reference button SAMPLE_API_REFERENCE_BTN=API Reference #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that shows previous sample SAMPLE_PREV_BTN_TOOLTIP=Show previous sample #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that shows next sample SAMPLE_NEXT_BTN_TOOLTIP=Show next sample #XTOL: Tooltip for the fullscreen button SAMPLE_FULLSCREEN_BTN_TOOLTIP=Show this sample in full screen mode #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that allows to adapt app runtime SAMPLE_ADAPT_BTN_TOOLTIP=Adapt UI #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that shows the code of the sample SAMPLE_CODE_BTN_TOOLTIP=Show source code for this sample #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that open the sample in new window SAMPLE_NEW_TAB_BTN_TOOLTIP=Open in new tab #XTOL: Tooltip for the download button SAMPLE_DOWNLOAD_BTN_TOOLTIP=Download #XBUT: Text for reset all changes button, when editing samples SAMPLE_RESET_CHANGES=Reset all Changes #XHED: The change log page title RELEASE_NOTES_TITLE=Change Log #XHED: The search page title that shows the search word SEARCH_PAGE_TITLE=Search Results for "{0}" #XHED: The search page description SEARCH_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Search results are displayed in categories. #XMIT: The section title that shows how many items match the search criteria SEARCH_PAGE_ALL_SECTION_TITLE=All ({0}) #XMIT: Title of search suggestion`s popover when results are from API reference SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE_API_REFERENCE=Top 10 Results from API Reference #XMIT: Title of search suggestion`s popover when results are from Documentation SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE_DOCUMENTATION=Top 10 Results from Documentation #XMIT: Title of search suggestion`s popover when results are from Samples SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE_SAMPLES=Top 10 Results from Samples #XMIT: Title of search suggestion`s popover when results are from all other available section SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE_ALL=Top 10 Results from All #XMIT: The section title when suggestions from all sections are shown SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_ALL_SECTION_TITLE=All #XMIT: The link title in search suggestions that shows all search results SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_SEE_ALL_SECTION_TITLE=See All #XMIT: The link title in search suggestions that shows Documentation search results SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_DOCUMENTATION_SECTION_TITLE=Documentation #XMIT: The link title in search suggestions that shows Api Reference search results SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_API_SECTION_TITLE=API Reference #XMIT: The link title in search suggestions that shows Samples search results SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_SAMPLES_SECTION_TITLE=Samples #XHED: The table title that shows the search results SEARCH_PAGE_ALL_SECTION_TABLE_TITLE=All ({0} of {1}) #XMIT: The section title that shows how many items match the search criteria in this category SEARCH_PAGE_API_SECTION_TITLE=API Reference ({0}) #XHED: The table title that shows the search results SEARCH_PAGE_API_SECTION_TABLE_TITLE=API Reference ({0} of {1}) #XMIT: The section title that shows how many items match the search criteria in this category SEARCH_PAGE_DOCUMENTATION_SECTION_TITLE=Documentation ({0}) #XMIT: The table title that shows the search results SEARCH_PAGE_DOCUMENTATION_SECTION_TABLE_TITLE=Documentation ({0} of {1}) #XMIT: The section title that shows how many items match the search criteria in this category SEARCH_PAGE_SAMPLES_SECTION_TITLE=Samples ({0}) #XHED: The table title that shows the search results SEARCH_PAGE_SAMPLES_SECTION_TABLE_TITLE=Samples ({0} of {1}) #XHED: The release dialog title of each library RELEASE_DIALOG_TITLE=Change log for\: {0} #XBUT: Text for the close button of dialog RELEASE_DIALOG_CLOSE_BTN=Close #XTXT: Text that indicates no changes in library RELEASE_DIALOG_NO_DATA_TEXT=No changes for this library. #XHED: The framework 'About' information dialog title ABOUT_DIALOG_TITLE=About #XTXT: The About dialog heading ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_1=UI5 Demo Kit - UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 #XTXT: Text for copyrights ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_2=\u00A9 Copyright 2009-2024 SAP SE. All rights reserved. #XTXT: Text for copyrights ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_3=\u00A9 2009-2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. #XTXT: Text for distrubution and its current version ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_4={0} Version {1} #XTXT: Text for OpenUI5 version ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_5=Open UI5 Version {0} #XTXT: Text ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_6=This software includes the following library versions #XLNK: Text for the link that navigates to more detailed information about version ABOUT_DIALOG_LINK_1=Version Details #XTXT: Text ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_7=This software includes third-party open source software. #XLNK: Text for the link that navigates to more detailed information about third-party software ABOUT_DIALOG_TEXT_8=Included Third-Party Software #XHED: The dialog title that displays version information ABOUT_DIALOG_VERSION_TITLE=Version Details #XTXT: The library version ABOUT_DIALOG_VERSION=Version #XTXT: The library description ABOUT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION=Description #XTXT: The library change log ABOUT_DIALOG_CHANGE_LOG=Change Log #XLNK: The link that navigates to the dialog with detailed change log of the selected library ABOUT_DIALOG_CHANGE_LOG_LINK=Change Log #XTXT: The library component ABOUT_DIALOG_COMPONENT=Component #XBUT: The close button of the dialog ABOUT_DIALOG_CLOSE_BTN=Close #XHED: The dialog title that displays the included third-party software ABOUT_DIALOG_THIRD_PARTY=Included Third-Party Software #TLNK: Text for link FOOTER_LEGAL_DISCOLURE=Legal Disclosure #TLNK: Text for link FOOTER_PRIVACY=Privacy #TLNK: Text for link FOOTER_TERMS=Terms of Use #TLNK: Text for link FOOTER_LICENSE=License #XHED: The title for the 'not found' page NOT_FOUND_TITLE=Not found #XTXX: Text for the 'not found' page NOT_FOULD_TEXT=The requested resource was not found. #XTXX: Text for the 'not found' page when resource is removed NOT_FOUND_REMOVED_TEXT=The requested UI5 version is outdated and has been removed. #XTXX: Text for the 'not found' page when Demo Kit resource is removed NOT_FOUND_DK_REMOVED_TEXT=The requested UI5 Demo Kit content has been removed. #XTXX: Text for the 'not found' page when resource is not available NOT_FOUND_UNAVAILABLE_TEXT=The requested resource is not available. #XTXX: Text for the 'read more' button for the version not found page VERSION_NOT_FOUND_READ_MORE=Read More VERSION_NOT_FOUND_HOME_PAGE_BUTTON=Home Page NOT_FOUND_SAMPLE_TITLE=Sample Not Found NOT_FOUND_SAMPLE_TEXT=The requested sample does not exist for the selected UI5 version. Check the available samples here #XTXX: Text for the 'sitemap' page SITEMAP_TITLE=Sitemap #XHED: The title of the live editor block LIVE_EDITOR_TITLE=Live Editor #XHED: The title of the live editor result block LIVE_EDITOR_RESULT=Result #XBUT: Text for preview button of live editor LIVE_EDITOR_PREVIEW_BTN=Preview #XCKL: Text for auto-preview checkbox of live editor LIVE_EDITOR_LIVE_PREVIEW_TEXT=Auto-preview #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_VIEW_DOC=View Documentation #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP Business Application Studio TOOLS_CARD_1_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP Business Application Studio #XTXT: SAP Business Application Studio description TOOLS_CARD_1_TEXT=SAP Business Application Studio on SAP BTP, SAP's public cloud, is used to build modern UI apps for desktop and mobile devices with the latest SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori technologies. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_1_LINK_1=SAP Business Application Studio SDK #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP UI Theme Designer TOOLS_CARD_2_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP UI Theme Designer #XTXT: SAP UI Theme Designer description TOOLS_CARD_2_TEXT=Use the UI theme designer to easily build corporate identity themes by editing one of the theme templates provided by SAP. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP UI5 Tooling page TOOLS_CARD_3_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP UI5 Tooling page #XTXT: UI5 Tooling page description TOOLS_CARD_3_TEXT=An open and modular toolchain to develop state-of-the-art applications based on the UI5 framework, leveraging node.js and npm. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_3_LINK_1=Overview #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_3_LINK_2=CLI Documentation #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP UI5 Inspector TOOLS_CARD_4_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP UI5 Inspector #XTXT: UI5 Inspector description TOOLS_CARD_4_TEXT=With the UI5 Inspector, you can easily debug and support your OpenUI5 or SAPUI5-based apps. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_4_LINK_1=View Source Code #XTXT: Text for Integration Cards description TOOLS_CARD_5_TEXT=Integration cards are a new way to provide and consume widget-like cards for the home page or dashboard. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_5_LINK_1=Explore Samples #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Support Assistant TOOLS_CARD_6_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Support Assistant in action #XTXT: Support Assistant description TOOLS_CARD_6_TEXT=The support assistant enables developers to check whether their apps are built according to SAPUI5 best practices and guidelines. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP Icon Explorer TOOLS_CARD_7_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP Icon Explorer #XTXT: SAP Icon Explorer description TOOLS_CARD_7_TEXT=Browse and use our large collection of icons in our icon fonts. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_7_LINK_1=Run Integration Tests #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_7_LINK_2=Run Unit Tests #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Theme Parameter Toolbox TOOLS_CARD_8_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Theme Parameter Toolbox #XTXT: Theme Parameter Toolbox description TOOLS_CARD_8_TEXT=Search, filter, and preview semantic theme parameters. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Business Application Studio TOOLS_CARD_9_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Business Application Studio #XTXT: Business Application Studio description TOOLS_CARD_9_TEXT=SAP Business Application Studio (the next generation of SAP Web IDE) is a modern development environment, tailored for efficient development of business applications for intelligent enterprises. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows UI5 Web Components TOOLS_CARD_10_IMG_ALT=Picture showing UI5 Web Components #XTXT: UI5 Web Components description TOOLS_CARD_10_TEXT=UI5 Web Components are the new UI5 offering that provides you with a set of reusable UI elements with a minimal footprint for your static web sites or web applications based on any web framework. #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_10_LINK_1=Get Started #TLNK: Text for link TOOLS_CARD_10_LINK_2=Open GitHub Project #XTXT: Text for Accessibility Guide TOOLS_CARD_11_TEXT=Gain the knowledge you need about accessibility #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows SAP Fiori Tools TOOLS_CARD_12_IMG_ALT=Picture showing SAP Fiori Tools #XTXT: SAP Fiori Tools description TOOLS_CARD_12_TEXT=SAP Fiori tools simplifies the creation of SAP Fiori elements applications by providing extensions for your SAP Business Application Studio and Visual Studio Code development environments. #XTXT: LiveEditor Tools description TOOLS_CARD_13_TEXT=Using Live Editor you can try out the APIs directly in your browser. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows LiveEditor TOOLS_CARD_13_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Live Editor #XTXT: Flexible Programming Model Explorer Tools description TOOLS_CARD_14_TEXT=The flexible programming model makes it easy for you to tailor applications to your own particular needs when using SAP Fiori elements for OData V4. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Flexible Programming Model Explorer TOOLS_CARD_14_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Flexible Programming Model Explorer #XTXT: Accessibility Guide tools description TOOLS_CARD_15_TEXT=The Accessibility Guide provides in-depth information with examples about web accessibility, whether you are a control or application developer, or a business user searching to learn more about web accessibility in the SAPUI5 area. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Accessibility Guide TOOLS_CARD_15_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Accessibility Guide #XTXT: Test Recorder tools description TOOLS_CARD_16_TEXT=The Test Recorder is a tool that helps you to create UI5 integration tests by recording your actions in the browser. #XALT: Alternative text for image that shows Test Recorder TOOLS_CARD_16_IMG_ALT=Picture showing Test Recorder #XTXT: Placeholder for filter field API_MASTER_PLACEHOLDER=Search #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that expands a list of items API_MASTER_EXPAND_BTN_TOOLTIP=Expand All #XTOL: Tooltip for the button that collapses a list of items API_MASTER_COLLAPSE_BTN_TOOLTIP=Collapse All #XCKL: The checkbox that includes deprecated entities to a list of items API_MASTER_DEPRECATED_CB=Include deprecated #XCKL: The checkbox that includes experimental entities to a list of items API_MASTER_EXPERIMENTAL_CB=Include experimental #XTXT: Text that is displayed when there are no results from the search API_MASTER_NO_DATA_TEXT=No data, please try with the global search #XTXT: Text for deprecated items API_MASTER_DEPRECATED=Deprecated #XTXT: Text for experimental items API_MASTER_EXPERIMENTAL=Experimental #XMIT: The list item that navigates to page with deprecated APIs API_MASTER_DEPRECATED_APIS=Deprecated APIs #XMIT: The list item that navigates to page with experimental APIs API_MASTER_EXPERIMENTAL_APIS=Experimental APIs #XMIT: The list item that navigates to page with sorted items by version API_MASTER_INDEX_BY_VERSION=Index by Version #XHED: The title of the page with sorted items by version API_DETAIL_SINCE_TITLE=Index by Version #XHED: The title of the page with experimental APIs API_DETAIL_EXPERIMENTAL_TITLE=Index of Experimental APIs #XHED: The title of the page with deprecated APIs API_DETAIL_DEPRECATED_TITLE=Index of Deprecated APIs #XTXT: The note about deprecated APIs API_DETAIL_DEPRECATED_WARNING=For general information about deprecated features, please check the compatibility rules. #XTXT: Text that shows from which version the feature exits API_DETAIL_AS_OF_VERSION=As of {0} #XTXT: Text for non-existing version API_DETAIL_NA_VERSION=Version N/A