
Namespaces & Classes
BarListItemThe display list item consists of a label and a value.
BubbleChartBubble chart.
ChartChart implementation on top of sap.viz that takes care of common functionality.
ChartColorEnumeration of available color to be used in charts.
ChartSelectionModeDetermines the selection mode of a Chart.
ChartSemanticColorEnumeration of available semantic color to be used in sap.Ca.ui
ChartToolBarToolBar used for displaying one chart amongst several and provide additional features: - 2 select boxes for selecting dimensions - fullscreen toggle - personalization icon - showLegend toggle
ChartTypeTypes of chart supported in the library.
ClusterListItemThe cluster list item consists of a title and items.
CombinedChartAllows you to create a chart using vertical bars and lines to represent the data
HorizontalBarChartAllows you to create a chart using horizontal bars to represent the data
LineChartLine Chart for the Fiori Project
StackedHorizontalBarChartStacked Horizontal Bar Chart wrapper around the viz StackedBarChart / MultipleStackedBarChart.
StackedVerticalColumnChartStacked Vertical Column Chart wrapper around the viz StackedColumnChart / MultipleStackedColumnChart.
VerticalBarChartAllows you to create a chart using vertical bars to represent the data