Namespace sap.ushell.servicesModule: sap/ushell/services/Container

Since: 1.15.0.
Namespaces & Classes
BookmarkThe unified shell's bookmark service, which allows you to create shortcuts on the user's home page.
ContainerThe Unified Shell's container which manages renderers, services, and adapters.
ContainerInterfaceThis is a virtual type for the callback interface passed by sap.ui.Container.getService() to any newly created service.
EndUserFeedbackThe Unified Shell's end user feedback service
LaunchPageThe Unified Shell's page builder service.
NavTargetResolutionThe Unified Shell's internal navigation target resolution service

Methods in this class deal with *internal* representations of the shell hash.

NotificationsA UShell service for fetching user notification data from the Notification center/service
and exposing them to the Unified Shell and Fiori applications UI controls.
PersonalizationThe Unified Shell's personalization service, which provides a personalizer object that handles all personalization operations.
PersonalizationContainerThe personalization container is the anchor object of the unified shell personalization in container mode.
PersonalizationContainerVariantThe personalization variant contains personalization data.
PersonalizationContainerVariantSetThe personalization variant set contains variants of personalization data.
PersonalizerThe Unified Shell personalizer providing set get delete methods to access the persisted personalization data in direct mode.
SupportTicketThe Unified Shell's Support Ticket service
TransientPersonalizerThe transient personalizer shall be used in container mode for table personalization.
UsageAnalyticsA UShell service for tracking business flows and user actions.
UserInfoThe Unified Shell's user information service, which allows you to retrieve information about the logged-in user.