Namespace sap.uxapModule: sap/uxap/library
Namespaces & Classes
AnchorBarAnchor bar is the navigation bar of an Object page.
BlockBaseA block is the main element that will be displayed, mainly in an object page, but not necessarily only there.
BlockBaseColumnLayoutUsed by the BlockBase control to define how many columns should it be assigned by the objectPageSubSection.
BlockBaseFormAdjustmentUsed by the BlockBase control to define if it should do automatic adjustment of its nested forms.
BreadCrumbsThe BreadCrumbs control represents the navigation steps up to the current location in the application and allows the user to quickly navigate to a previous location on the path that got him to the current location.
HierarchicalSelectA select that display items on 2 level of hierarchy.
ImportanceUsed by the ObjectSectionBase control to define the importance of the content contained in it.
ModelMappingDefine the entity that will be passed to the ObjectPageLayout.
ObjectPageConfigurationModeUsed by the sap.uxap.component.Component how to initialize the ObjectPageLayout sections and subsections.
ObjectPageHeaderObjectPageHeader represents the static part of an Object page header.
ObjectPageHeaderActionButtonButton that can be used in the ObjectPageHeader action aggregation.
ObjectPageHeaderContentObjectPageHeaderContent represents the dynamic part of an Object page header.
ObjectPageHeaderDesignUsed by the ObjectPageHeader control to define which design to use.
ObjectPageHeaderLayoutDataThis is a LayoutData Element that can be added to a control if this control is used within an ObjectPage headerContent aggregation
ObjectPageHeaderPictureShapeUsed by the ObjectPageHeader control to define which shape to use for the image.
ObjectPageLayoutAn ObjectPageLayout is the layout control, used to put together all parts of an Object page - Header, Navigation bar and Sections/Subsections.
ObjectPageLazyLoaderObjectPageLazyLoader is a helper element that enables a "stashed"-based lazy loading approach for the content of the sap.uxap.ObjectPageSubSection control.
ObjectPageSectionAn ObjectPageSection is the top-level information container of an Object page.
ObjectPageSectionBaseAn abstract container for object page sections and subSections
ObjectPageSubSectionAn ObjectPageSubSection is the second-level information container of an Object page and may only be used within an Object page section.
ObjectPageSubSectionLayoutUsed by the ObjectPagSubSection control to define which layout to apply.
ObjectPageSubSectionModeUsed by the ObjectPageLayout control to define which layout to use (either Collapsed or Expanded).