# Smart Template FND Generic texts # __ldi.translation.uuid=31fa9df0-f676-11e5-a837-0800200c9a66 #XMSG: Message box text for deleted draft which has been edited (and does have active version) ST_GENERIC_DRAFT_WITH_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_DELETED=Changes discarded. #XMSG: Message box text for deleted draft which has been just created (and does not have active version) ST_GENERIC_DRAFT_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_DELETED=Draft discarded. #XTIT: Title for navigation not found --> message page ST_GENERIC_UNKNOWN_NAVIGATION_TARGET=Target was not found. #XTXT: text for Error while loading data --> message page ST_GENERIC_ERROR_LOAD_DATA_TEXT=The requested data was not found. # YMSG,70: message displayed if no item was selected ST_GENERIC_NO_ITEM_SELECTED=Select an item. # YMSG,70: message displayed if more than one item was selected ST_GENERIC_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_SELECTED=Select one item only. # XMSG,160 ST_DATA_LOSS_TECHNICAL_ERROR_DISCARD=The changes could not be applied due to a technical issue. Do you want to discard changes and return to the previous page? # XMSG,150 ST_DATA_LOSS_TECHNICAL_ERROR_GENERAL=The changes could not be applied due to a technical issue. #XTOL,30 BACK=Back # XBUT,30 CANCEL=Cancel # XTXT,20: used for Popup Titles and Message Page title ST_ERROR=Error # XTXT,20: used for MessageBox title ST_SUCCESS=Success # XMSG,50 ST_CHANGES_APPLIED=Your changes have been applied. # XMSG,80 DATA_LOSS_MESSAGE=Your entries will be lost when you leave this page. # XMSG,80 DATA_LOSS_GENERAL_MESSAGE=Your entries will be lost if you continue. # XBUT,30 PROCEED=Continue # XBUT,30 DATA_LOSS_LEAVE_BTN=Leave Page # XBUT,30 DATA_LOSS_DISCARD_CHANGES=Discard Changes # XBUT,30 ST_KEEP_DRAFT_BTN=Keep Draft # XBUT,30 ST_DISCARD_DRAFT_BTN=Discard Draft # XTIT, 30 ST_UNSAVED_CHANGES_TITLE=Unsaved Changes # XTIT, 30 ST_STREAM_OPEN_FILE=Open File #XFLD: this text will be used to add additional information to the draft type in the list report for locked objects or objects with unsaved changes it will read like "Unsaved Changes by User" the "Unsaved Changes" part is provided by the control itself ST_DRAFT_OWNER=by {0} #XFLD: this text will be used to add additional information to the draft type in the list report for locked objects or objects with unsaved changes it will read like "Unsaved Changes by another user" the "Unsaved Changes" part is provided by the control itself ST_DRAFT_ANOTHER_USER=by another user #XMSG DATA_PASTE_ERROR_MESSAGE=Unable to paste. {0} items contain invalid data. #XMSG DATA_PASTE_ERROR_CORRECTION_MESSAGE=Please correct the values below in your source file. #XMSG DATA_PASTE_ERROR_CORRECTION_NOTE=(Note: The row/column refers to the position in the dataset you copied.) #XMSG DATA_PASTE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_MESSAGE=Paste is not available for this table. # XBUT,50: text for segmented buttons: () SEG_BUTTON_TEXT={0} ({1}) # XBUT,50: error text for segmented buttons: - (in case determination of count failed) SEG_BUTTON_ERROR={0} - #XBUT: Share the current page to Microsoft Teams chat ST_SHARE_TO_MICROSOFT_TEAMS=Share to Microsoft Teams #XBUT: Add the current page as a card to the cards repository ST_ADD_CARDS_TO_INSIGHTS=Add Card to Insights # XBUT,30: used for standard copy button COPY=Copy # XBUT,30: used for send card to collaboration manager ST_SEND_CARD_TO_CHAT=Send #XBUT, 30: opens an object in new tab ST_OPEN_NEW_TAB=Open in a new tab #XBUT, 30: opens an object in new window ST_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW=Open in a new window #XTIT: messagebox title for warning in message view ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_WARNING=Warning #XTIT: messagebox title for error in message view ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_ERROR=Error #XTIT: messagebox title for Information in message view ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_INFORMATION=Information #XTIT: messagebox title for Success in message view ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_SUCCESS_PLURAL=Successes #XTIT: messagebox title for warning in message view(Plural) ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_WARNING_PLURAL=Warnings #XTIT: messagebox title for error in message view(Plural) ST_MESSAGES_DIALOG_TITLE_ERROR_PLURAL=Errors #XTIT: messagebox title for general messages ST_MESSAGE_GENERAL_TITLE=General # XTIT,30: title of popover displayed when a user tries to open a locked object (in DraftAdminDataPopover.fragment.xml) LOCKED_OBJECT_POPOVER_TITLE=Locked # XMSG, 100: used in inbound navigation with unsupported combination of parameters mode and preferredMode PARAMETER_COMBINATION_NOT_SUPPORTED=Parameter combination not supported\:\n Mode\: {0}\n preferredMode\: {1} #YMSG : ObjectPage App -internal linking between entities - TargetEntitySet is missing ST_NAV_ERROR_TARGET_ENTITYSET_IS_MISSING=TargetEntitySet ({0}) is missing. #XBUT,30: Text of refresh button in case of e-Tag error. ETAG_REFRESH_BUTTON=Refresh #XMSG,180: Messagebox error text for Etag mismatch error ETAG_MESSAGE=Your changes could not be saved. A more recent version is available. To make changes to the latest version, please refresh the data. # XMSG,20: used for Popup Titles WARNING=Warning #------------Delete Confirmation popup reuse texts--------------------------- #XTIT, 20: Delete Confirmation dialog Error title ST_GENERIC_ERROR_TITLE=Error #XTIT, 100: Delete Confirmation dialog Delete title ST_GENERIC_DELETE_TITLE=Delete #XTIT, 100: Delete Confirmation dialog Delete title ST_GENERIC_DELETE_TITLE_WITH_COUNT=Delete ({0}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------Action Confirmation popup texts--------------------------- #XTIT, 20: Action Confirmation dialog Warning title ST_GENERIC_LIST_TITLE=Items #XMSG, 80:Warning Text ST_GENERIC_WARNING_TEXT= {0} of the selected items will not be processed. #XBUT: Action confirmation dialog Continue Anyway button ST_GENERIC_DIALOG_CONTINUE_BUT=Continue Anyway #XBUT: Action confirmation dialog Continue Anyway button ST_GENERIC_DIALOG_CLOSE_BUT=Close #------------Progress Indicator Line Item texts----------------- # XFLD: Display value for the Progress Indicator when the UoM is %, i.e.: 30% PROGRESS_INDICATOR_DISPLAY_VALUE_UOM_IS_PERCENT={0} % # XFLD: Display value for the Progress Indicator when the UoM is not provided, i.e.: 3 of 10 PROGRESS_INDICATOR_DISPLAY_VALUE_NO_UOM={0} of {1} # XFLD: Display value for the Progress Indicator when the UoM is not %, i.e.: 1 of 3 GB PROGRESS_INDICATOR_DISPLAY_VALUE_UOM_IS_NOT_PERCENT={0} of {1} {2} # XFLD: Display value for the Progress Indicator when the UoM is not % and the target value is not provided i.e.: 1 GB PROGRESS_INDICATOR_DISPLAY_VALUE_UOM_IS_NOT_PERCENT_NO_TARGET_VALUE={0} {1} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------Rating Indicator texts----------------- # XFLD: Default display value for the Rating Indicator's SubTitle text ("rating") RATING_INDICATOR_SUBTITLE_LABEL=rating # XFLD: Default plural display value for the Rating Indicator's SubTitle text ("ratings") RATING_INDICATOR_SUBTITLE_LABEL_PLURAL=ratings # XFLD: Display value for the Rating Indicator's SubTitle (e.g. 7 ratings) RATING_INDICATOR_SUBTITLE={0} {1} # XFLD: Display value for the Rating Indicator footer (e.g. 2 out of 5) RATING_INDICATOR_FOOTER={0} out of {1} # XFLD: Display value for the Rating Indicator's aggregate count (e.g. (8)) # {0}=Digit RATING_INDICATOR_AGGREGATE_COUNT=({0}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------Error Handling Messages------------------------------------------- #YMSG, 30: User not authenticated message (HTTP status code: 400) ST_GENERIC_BAD_REQUEST=No data found. #YMSG, 50: User not authenticated message (HTTP status code: 401) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_AUTHENTICATED_FAILED=Authentication failed. #YMSG, 100: User not authenticated message description (HTTP status code: 401) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_AUTHENTICATED_FAILED_DESC=The credentials you used to sign in are invalid. #YMSG, 40: User not authorized message (HTTP status code: 403) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED=No authorization. #YMSG, 100: User not authorized message description (HTTP status code: 401) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED_DESC=You don't have authorization to view this data. #YMSG, 40: System is currently unavailable generic text (HTTP status codes: 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 505) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE=Unable to load the data. #YMSG, 200: System is currently unavailable possible reasons (HTTP status codes: 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 505) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE_DESC=This can happen if you are not connected to the Internet, or if an underlying system or component is not available. #YMSG, 50: System is currently unavailable while performing an action (HTTP status codes: 500, 501, 502, 503, 504 505) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_ACTION=Unable to perform this action. #YMSG, 100: User not authorized for create action (HTTP status code: 403) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED_CREATE=You don't have create authorization. #YMSG, 100: User not authorized for action message (HTTP status code: 403) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED_ACTION=You don't have authorization for this action. #YMSG, 100: User not authorized for delete message (HTTP status code: 403) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED_DELETE=You don't have authorization to delete. #YMSG, 100: User not authorized for delete message (HTTP status code: 403) ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NOT_AUTORIZED_EDIT=You don't have edit authorization. #YMSG, 100: User not authenticated action message (HTTP status code: 400) ST_GENERIC_BAD_REQUEST_ACTION=This action cannot be performed for the selected object. #YMSG, 100: User not authenticated action message (HTTP status code: 400) ST_GENERIC_BAD_REQUEST_DELETE=The selected object can't be deleted. #YMSG, 100: User not authenticated action message (HTTP status code: 400) ST_GENERIC_BAD_REQUEST_EDIT=The selected object can't be edited. #YMSG, 100: General error text for problems with navigation ST_GENERIC_ERROR_IN_NAVIGATION=Navigation does not work as expected. #YMSG, 100: Shown as detail information for ST_GENERIC_ERROR_IN_NAVIGATION ST_GENERIC_ERROR_IN_NAVIGATION_PROPERTY_MISSING=The navigation property in annotation {0} is missing #YMSG, 100: Shown as detail information for ST_GENERIC_ERROR_IN_NAVIGATION ST_GENERIC_ERROR_NAVIGATION_PROPERTY_NOT_CORRECT=The navigation property {0} in annotation {1} is not correct. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- Texts that are relevant for Apps that use FlexibleColumnLayout and apply to object page of the root object and first level items #XBUT: Text for button that changes from two or three column layout to fullscreen ST_GENERIC_FCL_FULLSCREEN=Full Screen #XBUT: Text for button that changes from fullscreen to two or three column layout ST_GENERIC_FCL_EXIT_FULLSCREEN=Exit Full Screen #XBUT: Text for button that closes the last column in flexible column layout ST_GENERIC_FCL_CLOSE_COLUMN=Close #------------Add Cards to Insights info popup texts--------------------------- #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_CREATION_FAILURE=Card creation isn\u2019t possible. #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_CREATION_FAILURE_INFO=Please retry after ensuring the following: #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_FAILURE_REASON_SEMANTIC_DATE_FILTERS=\u2010 No relative date filters (like \u201CYesterday\u201D) are used. #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_FAILURE_TABLE_REASON_UNSUPPORTED_COLUMNS=\u2010 At least one text-based column with a single value is displayed in the table. #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_CREATION_FAILURE_REASON_SEMANTIC_DATE_FILTERS=Card creation isn\u2019t possible. Please retry after ensuring no relative date filters (like \u201CYesterday\u201D) are used. #XMSG: Info text ST_CARD_NAVIGATION_FAILURE_INFO=Direct navigation to the object details isn\u2019t possible from this insights card. #---Final block: texts to be redefined by the application ---------------------------------------------- #--- a) Texts that are only relevant for the object page of the root object #YMSG,150: Message box text for draft locked by other user. Parameter: {1}= user name. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DRAFT_LOCKED_BY_USER=Another user edited this object without saving the changes\: \n{1} \nIf you take over, any changes will be lost. #--- b) Texts that are only relevant for the list report #YMSG, 100: Unsaved Changes check box text. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_UNSAVED_CHANGES_CHECKBOX=Also delete objects with unsaved changes. #YMSG, 100: Delete selected items text. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_SELECTED_PLURAL=Delete the selected objects? #YMSG, 100: Delete unsaved changes items text. Parameter: {1}= user name. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_UNSAVED_CHANGES=Another user edited this object without saving the changes\: \n{1} \n\nDelete anyway? #YMSG, 100: Delete unsaved changes items text. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_UNSAVED_CHANGES_PLURAL=Other users have edited the selected objects without saving the changes. \n\nDelete them anyway? #YMSG, 100: Delete locked item text. Parameter: {1}= user name. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_LOCKED=This object cannot be deleted. It is currently locked by {1}. #YMSG, 100: Delete product, cannot be deleted text ST_GENERIC_NOT_DELETABLE=This object cannot be deleted. #YMSG, 200: Delete locked items text. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_LOCKED_PLURAL=The selected objects are currently locked by other users and cannot be deleted. #YMSG, 100: Delete undeletable items text: {0}=digit, {1}=digit ST_GENERIC_DELETE_UNDELETABLE={0} of {1} objects cannot be deleted. #YMSG, 100: Currently locked items text. Parameter: {0}= items count. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_CURRENTLY_LOCKED=1 of {0} objects is currently locked. #YMSG, 100: Currently locked items text. Parameters: {0}= locked items count, {1}= items count."objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_CURRENTLY_LOCKED_PLURAL={0} of {1} objects are currently locked by other users and cannot be deleted. #YMSG, 100: Delete the remaining item text. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_REMAINING=Do you still want to delete the remaining object? #YMSG, 100: Delete the remaining items text. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_REMAINING_PLURAL=Do you still want to delete the remaining {0} objects? #YMSG, 100: Delete the remaining item with unsaved changes text. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_REMAINING_UNSAVED_CHANGES=The remaining object has unsaved changes. \n\nDo you still want to delete it? #YMSG, 100: Delete the remaining items with unsaved changes text. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_REMAINING_UNSAVED_CHANGES_PLURAL=The remaining objects have unsaved changes by other users. \n\nDo you still want to delete them? #YMSG, 40: Delete success message. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_SUCCESS_PLURAL=Objects were deleted. #YMSG, 60: Delete error message. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_ERROR=The selected object cannot be deleted. #--- c) Texts that are relevant for all object pages (root object as well as sub-item detail pages), plus the list report #YMSG, 100: Delete selected item text. "object" to be redefined. Parameter: {0}=Context of the item being deleted. Context picked up from UI.HeaderInfo -> Title ST_GENERIC_DELETE_SELECTED=Delete this object? # XBUT,50: used in a message box after pressing the delete button. Parameter: {1}= object title, {2}= object subtitle. "object" to be redefined. DELETE_WITH_OBJECTINFO=Delete this object ({1} {2})? # XBUT,50: used in a message box after pressing the delete button. Parameter: {0}= object title. "object" to be redefined. DELETE_WITH_OBJECTTITLE=Delete Object {0}? #XMSG: Message box text after successfully deleting an object or sub-item. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_OBJECT_DELETED=Object was deleted. #--- d) Texts that are relevant for the list report, and the object page of the root object # YMSG,70: used in pop-over showing draft admin data. Parameter: {0}= user name. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_LOCKED_OBJECT_POPOVER_TEXT=You cannot edit this object at the moment \nIt is locked by {0} # YMSG,70: used in pop-over showing draft admin data. Parameter: {0}= user name. "object" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_UNSAVED_OBJECT_POPOVER_TEXT=This object has unsaved changes by {0}. # YMSG,160: used in expired lock dialog (pop-up). Parameter: {0}= user name. "object" to be redefined. DRAFT_LOCK_EXPIRED=Another user edited this object without saving the changes\:\n\n {0} \n\n If you take over, any changes will be lost. #YMSG : Navigation error message description (HTTP status code: 401) ST_NAV_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DESC=Navigation to this application is not supported. #YMSG: Default title for unnamed objects NEW_OBJECT=Unnamed Object # XFLD,40: used in object page table when no items available in and no filter applied. NOITEMS_SMARTTABLE=No items available. # XFLD,100: used in object page table when no items available in and filters applied. NOITEMS_SMARTTABLE_WITH_FILTER=No items available. Try adjusting the search or filter parameters. # XFLD,110: used in object page table when no items available for segmented button enabled table. NOITEMS_SMARTTABLE_WITH_FILTER_FOR_SEGMENTEDBUTTON=There are no items for the selected filter criteria and table view. # XFLD,30: used in object page chart when no data found in and no filter applied. NOITEMS_SMARTCHART=No data found. # XFLD,100: used in list report page chart when no data found in. NOITEMS_LR_SMARTCHART=There is no data for the selected filter criteria and chart view. # XFLD,80: used in object page chart when no data found in and filters applied. NOITEMS_SMARTCHART_WITH_FILTER=No data found. Try adjusting the filter parameters. # XFLD,80: used in list report page chart when chart is not initialized. SMARTCHART_INITIAL_NODATA=To start, set the relevant filters and choose "Go". # XFLD,30: used in list report page table when no data found in and no filter applied. NOITEMS_LR_SMARTTABLE=No data found. # XFLD,100: used in list report page table when no data found in and filters applied. NOITEMS_LR_SMARTTABLE_WITH_FILTER=No data found. Try adjusting the search or filter criteria. # XFLD,100: used in list report page table when no data found for MultiView Application. NOITEMS_MULTIVIEW_LR_SMARTTABLE_WITH_FILTER=There is no data for the selected filter criteria and table view. # YMSG,100: used as text to suggest users to delete records individually in case of multiselect delete respons with warning ST_GENERIC_DELETE_WITH_WARNING_SUGGESTION_SINGULAR=Hint: To ignore warnings, delete the object individually. # YMSG,100: used as text to suggest users to delete records individually in case of multiselect delete respons with warning ST_GENERIC_DELETE_WITH_WARNING_SUGGESTION_PLURAL=Hint: To ignore warnings, delete the objects individually. # YMSG,100: used as text to inform users that some of records can't be deleted ST_GENERIC_NOT_DELETED_RECORDS={0} of {1} objects can''t be deleted. #YMSG, 130: Delete error message. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_DELETE_ERROR_PLURAL=Some of the items you selected can''t be deleted. Try deleting the items individually instead. # YMSG,100: used as text to inform users that some of records can't be deleted ST_GENERIC_NOT_PROCESSED_RECORDS={0} of {1} objects can''t be processed. #YMSG, 100: Delete error message. "objects" to be redefined. ST_GENERIC_NOT_PROCESSED_RECORDS_PLURAL=The selected objects can''t be processed. # YMSG,100: used as text to suggest users to delete records individually in case of multiselect delete respons with warning ST_GENERIC_ACTION_WITH_WARNING_SUGGESTION_SINGULAR=Hint: To ignore warnings, process the object individually. # YMSG,100: used as text to suggest users to delete records individually in case of multiselect delete respons with warning ST_GENERIC_ACTION_WITH_WARNING_SUGGESTION_PLURAL=Hint: To ignore warnings, process the objects individually. # YMSG, 150: used to show unapplied single filter in desktop MESSAGE_SINGLE_VALUE_L_FORM=The filter \"{0}\" isn''t relevant for the tab \"{1}\". Setting this filter has no effect on the results. # YMSG, 100: used to show unapplied single filter in mobile, tablet MESSAGE_SINGLE_VALUE_S_FORM=You can''t filter by \"{0}\" on the \"{1}\" tab. # YMSG, 150: used to show unapplied multiple filters in desktop MESSAGE_MULTIPLE_VALUES_L_FORM=Some of the filters aren''t relevant for the tab \"{1}\" ({0}). Settings these filters has no effect on the results. # YMSG, 100: used to show unapplied multiple filters in mobile, tablet MESSAGE_MULTIPLE_VALUES_S_FORM=You can''t use the following filters on the \"{1}\" tab\: \"{0}\" # XTIT,150: used to show title in page leave draft confirmation dialog in Edit Mode ST_KEEP_DRAFT_MESSAGE_EDIT=You\u2019ve made changes to this object.\nWhat would you like to do? # XTIT,150: used to show title in page leave draft confirmation dialog in Create Mode ST_KEEP_DRAFT_MESSAGE_CREATE=You haven\u2019t created this object yet.\nWhat would you like to do? #XBUT: Dialog title text for new action for create DIALOG_TITLE_NEW_ACTION_FOR_CREATE=Create Object #XTIT: Dialog action button text for new action for create DIALOG_ACTION_BUTTON_NEW_ACTION_FOR_CREATE=Continue #---End of final block: texts to be redefined by the application ----------------------------------------