Namespace sap/ca/ui/message/message

Provides methods to show messages with type of Success, Error, Warning and Information in a Fiori style. is a static class, the statement"") needs to be called before the function can be used. Example:"");
   // provide your callback function, if you want to get informed after the user closes the MessageBox
   var bIsMsgBoxClosed = false;
   var fnClose = function(){
       bIsMsgBoxClosed = true;
   // show the erorr message in a MessageBox{
       message: "No connection can be established to the backend system ABC",
       details: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum an vidit ..."
   }, fnClose);

Deprecated API:This control is deprecated since 1.28 as per central UX requirements. Please use sap.m.MessageBox instead.

Method Summary
showMessageBox(oSettings?, fnClose?)Shows the messages with type of Success, Error, Warning, Info, in a Fiori style of MessageBox
showMessageToast(sMessage?)Shows the success message as a MessageToast
Method Detail
showMessageBox(oSettings?, fnClose?)
Shows the messages with type of Success, Error, Warning, Info, in a Fiori style of MessageBox
{object}oSettings? settings for the message box

The supported settings are:

type : {}

message : {string} short text, the leading and ending white spaces will be removed

details : {string} long text (optional), the detailed information will only be shown if the text is available and different to the message text

{function}fnClose? the function will be called if the message box is closed
Shows the success message as a MessageToast
{string}sMessage? message to be shown in the MessageToast