Namespace sap.chart.apiModule: sap/chart/library

Package with additional chart APIs

Method Summary
sap.chart.api.getChartTypeLayout(sChartType, aDimensions, aMeasures)Get the Dimensions and Measures layout for a certain ChartType with provided Dimensions and Measures.
sap.chart.api.getChartTypes()Returns all chart types currently supported by chart control (subset of viz types).
Method Detail
sap.chart.api.getChartTypeLayout(sChartType, aDimensions, aMeasures): object
Get the Dimensions and Measures layout for a certain ChartType with provided Dimensions and Measures.
{string}sChartType chart type
{object[]}aDimensions visible Dimensions of the form {name: sName}
{object[]}aMeasures visible Measures of the form {name: sName}.
{object} the chart layout object of the following form:
  dimensions: [],     // names of dimensions that will be rendered
	 measures:	 [],     // names of measures that will be rendered
	 errors:	 [],     // reasons of why the chart cannot be rendered with the given (chartType, dimensions, measures) combination
sap.chart.api.getChartTypes() : object
Returns all chart types currently supported by chart control (subset of viz types).
{object} a map with chartType as key, localized chart name as value.