Class sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntityModule: sap/landvisz/LandscapeEntity

extends Control

A control to render the system

Constructor Summary
new sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity(sId?, mSettings?)Constructor for a new LandscapeEntity.
Event Summary
mouseOverIdenIcon(oControlEvent)fires an event on hovering over identification system icon
statusSelect(oControlEvent)fires an event on clicking the modelling status
trackInfoPress(oControlEvent)Fired when info Icon of track entity clicked
Events borrowed from class sap.ui.core.Control
Method Summary
sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?)Creates a new subclass of class sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.
sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.getMetadata()Returns a metadata object for class sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
addActionBar(oActionBar)Adds some actionBar oActionBar to the aggregation named actionBar.
addDataContainer(oDataContainer)Adds some dataContainer oDataContainer to the aggregation named dataContainers.
attachMouseOverIdenIcon(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'mouseOverIdenIcon' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
attachStatusSelect(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'statusSelect' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
attachTrackInfoPress(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'trackInfoPress' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
destroyActionBar()Destroys all the actionBar in the aggregation named actionBar.
destroyDataContainers()Destroys all the dataContainers in the aggregation named dataContainers.
destroyEntityStatus()Destroys the entityStatus in the aggregation named entityStatus.
detachMouseOverIdenIcon(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'mouseOverIdenIcon' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
detachStatusSelect(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'statusSelect' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
detachTrackInfoPress(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'trackInfoPress' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
fireMouseOverIdenIcon(mArguments?)Fire event mouseOverIdenIcon to attached listeners.
fireStatusSelect(mArguments?)Fire event statusSelect to attached listeners.
fireTrackInfoPress(mArguments?)Fire event trackInfoPress to attached listeners.
getActionBar()Getter for aggregation actionBar.
getActions()Getter for property actions.
getComponentType()Getter for property componentType.
getComponentTypeTooltip()Getter for property componentTypeTooltip.
getDataContainers()Getter for aggregation dataContainers.
getDefaultState()Getter for property defaultState.
getDescription()Getter for property description.
getEntityStatus()Getter for aggregation entityStatus.
getExplodeViewHeight()Getter for property explodeViewHeight.
getExplodeViewWidth()Getter for property explodeViewWidth.
getQualifierText()Getter for property qualifierText.
getQualifierTooltip()Getter for property qualifierTooltip.
getQualifierType()Getter for property qualifierType.
getRenderingSize()Getter for property renderingSize.
getShowCustomActions()Getter for property showCustomActions.
getShowEntityActions()Getter for property showEntityActions.
getStateIconSrc()Getter for property stateIconSrc.
getStateIconTooltip()Getter for property stateIconTooltip.
getStatusTooltip()Getter for property statusTooltip.
getSystemId()Getter for property systemId.
getSystemName()Getter for property systemName.
getSystemStatus()Getter for property systemStatus.
getTrackSystemCount()Getter for property trackSystemCount.
getType()Getter for property type.
indexOfActionBar(oActionBar)Checks for the provided sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar in the aggregation named actionBar and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
indexOfDataContainer(oDataContainer)Checks for the provided sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer in the aggregation named dataContainers and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
insertActionBar(oActionBar, iIndex)Inserts a actionBar into the aggregation named actionBar.
insertDataContainer(oDataContainer, iIndex)Inserts a dataContainer into the aggregation named dataContainers.
removeActionBar(vActionBar)Removes an actionBar from the aggregation named actionBar.
removeAllActionBar()Removes all the controls in the aggregation named actionBar.
removeAllDataContainers()Removes all the controls in the aggregation named dataContainers.
removeDataContainer(vDataContainer)Removes an dataContainer from the aggregation named dataContainers.
setActions(oActions)Setter for property actions.
setComponentType(oComponentType)Setter for property componentType.
setComponentTypeTooltip(sComponentTypeTooltip)Setter for property componentTypeTooltip.
setDefaultState(sDefaultState)Setter for property defaultState.
setDescription(sDescription)Setter for property description.
setEntityStatus(oEntityStatus)Setter for the aggregated entityStatus.
setExplodeViewHeight(sExplodeViewHeight)Setter for property explodeViewHeight.
setExplodeViewWidth(sExplodeViewWidth)Setter for property explodeViewWidth.
setQualifierText(sQualifierText)Setter for property qualifierText.
setQualifierTooltip(sQualifierTooltip)Setter for property qualifierTooltip.
setQualifierType(sQualifierType)Setter for property qualifierType.
setRenderingSize(oRenderingSize)Setter for property renderingSize.
setShowCustomActions(bShowCustomActions)Setter for property showCustomActions.
setShowEntityActions(bShowEntityActions)Setter for property showEntityActions.
setStateIconSrc(sStateIconSrc)Setter for property stateIconSrc.
setStateIconTooltip(sStateIconTooltip)Setter for property stateIconTooltip.
setStatusTooltip(sStatusTooltip)Setter for property statusTooltip.
setSystemId(sSystemId)Setter for property systemId.
setSystemName(sSystemName)Setter for property systemName.
setSystemStatus(oSystemStatus)Setter for property systemStatus.
setTrackSystemCount(sTrackSystemCount)Setter for property trackSystemCount.
setType(oType)Setter for property type.
Constructor Detail
new sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity(sId?, mSettings?)
Constructor for a new LandscapeEntity.

Accepts an object literal mSettings that defines initial property values, aggregated and associated objects as well as event handlers.

If the name of a setting is ambiguous (e.g. a property has the same name as an event), then the framework assumes property, aggregation, association, event in that order. To override this automatic resolution, one of the prefixes "aggregation:", "association:" or "event:" can be added to the name of the setting (such a prefixed name must be enclosed in single or double quotes).

The supported settings are:

{string}sId? id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
{object}mSettings? initial settings for the new control
Event Detail
fires an event on hovering over identification system icon
fires an event on clicking the modelling status
Fired when info Icon of track entity clicked
Method Detail
sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?): function
Creates a new subclass of class sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.

oClassInfo might contain the same kind of informations as described in Element.extend.

{string}sClassName name of the class to be created
{object}oClassInfo? object literal with informations about the class
{function}FNMetaImpl? constructor function for the metadata object. If not given, it defaults to sap.ui.core.ElementMetadata.
{function} the created class / constructor function
sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.getMetadata(): sap.ui.base.Metadata
Returns a metadata object for class sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
{sap.ui.base.Metadata} Metadata object describing this class
addActionBar(oActionBar): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Adds some actionBar oActionBar to the aggregation named actionBar.
{sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar}oActionBar the actionBar to add; if empty, nothing is inserted
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
addDataContainer(oDataContainer): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Adds some dataContainer oDataContainer to the aggregation named dataContainers.
{sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer}oDataContainer the dataContainer to add; if empty, nothing is inserted
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
attachMouseOverIdenIcon(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'mouseOverIdenIcon' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

fires an event on hovering over identification system icon

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
attachStatusSelect(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'statusSelect' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

fires an event on clicking the modelling status

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
attachTrackInfoPress(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'trackInfoPress' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

Fired when info Icon of track entity clicked

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
destroyActionBar(): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Destroys all the actionBar in the aggregation named actionBar.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
destroyDataContainers(): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Destroys all the dataContainers in the aggregation named dataContainers.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
destroyEntityStatus(): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Destroys the entityStatus in the aggregation named entityStatus.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
detachMouseOverIdenIcon(fnFunction, oListener): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'mouseOverIdenIcon' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
detachStatusSelect(fnFunction, oListener): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'statusSelect' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
detachTrackInfoPress(fnFunction, oListener): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'trackInfoPress' event of this sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
fireMouseOverIdenIcon(mArguments?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Fire event mouseOverIdenIcon to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
fireStatusSelect(mArguments?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Fire event statusSelect to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
fireTrackInfoPress(mArguments?): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Fire event trackInfoPress to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
Getter for aggregation actionBar.
aggregation on action bar control
getActions(): object
Getter for property actions. actions of entity

Default value is empty/undefined

{object} the value of property actions
getComponentType(): sap.landvisz.ComponentType
Getter for property componentType. Type of a soution component/deployment type entity

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.landvisz.ComponentType} the value of property componentType
getComponentTypeTooltip(): string
Getter for property componentTypeTooltip. Tooltip for component type

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property componentTypeTooltip
getDataContainers(): sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer[]
Getter for aggregation dataContainers.
aggregations for data container
getDefaultState(): string
Getter for property defaultState. default state of the system

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property defaultState
getDescription(): string
Getter for property description. description of the identification region

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property description
getEntityStatus(): sap.ui.commons.Image
Getter for aggregation entityStatus.
Modeling status icon
getExplodeViewHeight(): sap.ui.core.CSSSize
Getter for property explodeViewHeight. Height of the show all view

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize} the value of property explodeViewHeight
getExplodeViewWidth(): sap.ui.core.CSSSize
Getter for property explodeViewWidth. Width of the show all view

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize} the value of property explodeViewWidth
getQualifierText(): string
Getter for property qualifierText. text of qualifier icon

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property qualifierText
getQualifierTooltip(): string
Getter for property qualifierTooltip. tooltip for qualifier icon

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property qualifierTooltip
getQualifierType(): string
Getter for property qualifierType. text of the qualifier that specifies the server

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property qualifierType
getRenderingSize(): sap.landvisz.EntityCSSSize
Getter for property renderingSize. rendering size of a system

Default value is sap.landvisz.EntityCSSSize.Regular

{sap.landvisz.EntityCSSSize} the value of property renderingSize
getShowCustomActions(): boolean
Getter for property showCustomActions. determines the visiblity of custom actions

Default value is true

{boolean} the value of property showCustomActions
getShowEntityActions(): boolean
Getter for property showEntityActions. determines the visiblity of entityactions

Default value is true

{boolean} the value of property showEntityActions
getStateIconSrc(): string
Getter for property stateIconSrc. Icon source of the state of entity

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property stateIconSrc
getStateIconTooltip(): string
Getter for property stateIconTooltip. tooltip of modelling status icon

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property stateIconTooltip
getStatusTooltip(): string
Getter for property statusTooltip. tooltip for modelling status

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property statusTooltip
getSystemId(): string
Getter for property systemId. System entity ID

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property systemId
getSystemName(): string
Getter for property systemName. name of the system

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property systemName
getSystemStatus(): sap.landvisz.ModelingStatus
Getter for property systemStatus. Modeling status of the entity

Default value is sap.landvisz.ModelingStatus.NORMAL

{sap.landvisz.ModelingStatus} the value of property systemStatus
getTrackSystemCount(): string
Getter for property trackSystemCount. Systems count in the track

Default value is empty/undefined

{string} the value of property trackSystemCount
Getter for property type. type of the system rendered

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.landvisz.LandscapeObject} the value of property type
indexOfActionBar(oActionBar): int
Checks for the provided sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar in the aggregation named actionBar and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar}oActionBar the actionBar whose index is looked for.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
indexOfDataContainer(oDataContainer): int
Checks for the provided sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer in the aggregation named dataContainers and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer}oDataContainer the dataContainer whose index is looked for.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
insertActionBar(oActionBar, iIndex): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Inserts a actionBar into the aggregation named actionBar.
{sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar}oActionBar the actionBar to insert; if empty, nothing is inserted
{int}iIndex the 0-based index the actionBar should be inserted at; for a negative value of iIndex, the actionBar is inserted at position 0; for a value greater than the current size of the aggregation, the actionBar is inserted at the last position
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
insertDataContainer(oDataContainer, iIndex): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Inserts a dataContainer into the aggregation named dataContainers.
{sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer}oDataContainer the dataContainer to insert; if empty, nothing is inserted
{int}iIndex the 0-based index the dataContainer should be inserted at; for a negative value of iIndex, the dataContainer is inserted at position 0; for a value greater than the current size of the aggregation, the dataContainer is inserted at the last position
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
removeActionBar(vActionBar): sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar
Removes an actionBar from the aggregation named actionBar.
{int|string|sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar}vActionBar the actionBar to remove or its index or id
{sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar} the removed actionBar or null
removeAllActionBar(): sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar[]
Removes all the controls in the aggregation named actionBar.
Additionally unregisters them from the hosting UIArea.
{sap.landvisz.internal.ActionBar[]} an array of the removed elements (might be empty)
removeAllDataContainers(): sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer[]
Removes all the controls in the aggregation named dataContainers.
Additionally unregisters them from the hosting UIArea.
{sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer[]} an array of the removed elements (might be empty)
removeDataContainer(vDataContainer): sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer
Removes an dataContainer from the aggregation named dataContainers.
{int|string|sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer}vDataContainer the dataContainer to remove or its index or id
{sap.landvisz.internal.DataContainer} the removed dataContainer or null
setActions(oActions): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property actions.

Default value is empty/undefined

{object}oActions new value for property actions
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setComponentType(oComponentType): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property componentType.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.landvisz.ComponentType}oComponentType new value for property componentType
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setComponentTypeTooltip(sComponentTypeTooltip): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property componentTypeTooltip.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sComponentTypeTooltip new value for property componentTypeTooltip
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setDefaultState(sDefaultState): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property defaultState.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sDefaultState new value for property defaultState
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setDescription(sDescription): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property description.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sDescription new value for property description
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setEntityStatus(oEntityStatus): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for the aggregated entityStatus.
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setExplodeViewHeight(sExplodeViewHeight): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property explodeViewHeight.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize}sExplodeViewHeight new value for property explodeViewHeight
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setExplodeViewWidth(sExplodeViewWidth): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property explodeViewWidth.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize}sExplodeViewWidth new value for property explodeViewWidth
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setQualifierText(sQualifierText): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property qualifierText.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sQualifierText new value for property qualifierText
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setQualifierTooltip(sQualifierTooltip): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property qualifierTooltip.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sQualifierTooltip new value for property qualifierTooltip
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setQualifierType(sQualifierType): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property qualifierType.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sQualifierType new value for property qualifierType
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setRenderingSize(oRenderingSize): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property renderingSize.

Default value is sap.landvisz.EntityCSSSize.Regular

{sap.landvisz.EntityCSSSize}oRenderingSize new value for property renderingSize
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setShowCustomActions(bShowCustomActions): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property showCustomActions.

Default value is true

{boolean}bShowCustomActions new value for property showCustomActions
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setShowEntityActions(bShowEntityActions): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property showEntityActions.

Default value is true

{boolean}bShowEntityActions new value for property showEntityActions
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setStateIconSrc(sStateIconSrc): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property stateIconSrc.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sStateIconSrc new value for property stateIconSrc
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setStateIconTooltip(sStateIconTooltip): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property stateIconTooltip.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sStateIconTooltip new value for property stateIconTooltip
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setStatusTooltip(sStatusTooltip): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property statusTooltip.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sStatusTooltip new value for property statusTooltip
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setSystemId(sSystemId): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property systemId.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sSystemId new value for property systemId
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setSystemName(sSystemName): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property systemName.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sSystemName new value for property systemName
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setSystemStatus(oSystemStatus): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property systemStatus.

Default value is sap.landvisz.ModelingStatus.NORMAL

{sap.landvisz.ModelingStatus}oSystemStatus new value for property systemStatus
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
setTrackSystemCount(sTrackSystemCount): sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity
Setter for property trackSystemCount.

Default value is empty/undefined

{string}sTrackSystemCount new value for property trackSystemCount
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining
Setter for property type.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.landvisz.LandscapeObject}oType new value for property type
{sap.landvisz.LandscapeEntity}this to allow method chaining