Class sap.m.IBarInPageEnablerModule: sap/m/BarInPageEnabler

Helper Class for implementing the IBar interface. Should be created once per IBar instance.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
sap.m.IBarInPageEnabler.addChildClassTo(oControl)Adds the sapMBarChildClass to a control.
sap.m.IBarInPageEnabler.renderTooltip(oRM, oControl)Renders the tooltip for the given control
Constructor Detail
new sap.m.IBarInPageEnabler()
Method Detail
Adds the sapMBarChildClass to a control.
sap.m.IBarInPageEnabler.renderTooltip(oRM, oControl)
Renders the tooltip for the given control
{sap.ui.core.RenderManager}oRM the RenderManager that can be used for writing to the render output buffer.
{sap.ui.core.Control}oControl an object representation of the control that should be rendered.