Class sap.makit.ChartModule: sap/makit/Chart

extends Control

The Chart control.

Deprecated API:Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.

Since: 1.8.
Constructor Summary
new sap.makit.Chart(sId?, mSettings?)Constructor for a new Chart.
Event Summary
doubletap(oControlEvent)Double tap event on the chart
longpress(oControlEvent)Long press event on the chart
tap(oControlEvent)Single tap event on the chart
Events borrowed from class sap.ui.core.Control
Method Summary
sap.makit.Chart.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?)Creates a new subclass of class sap.makit.Chart with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.
sap.makit.Chart.getMetadata()Returns a metadata object for class sap.makit.Chart.
attachDoubletap(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'doubletap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
attachLongpress(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'longpress' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
attachTap(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'tap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
detachDoubletap(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'doubletap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
detachLongpress(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'longpress' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
detachTap(fnFunction, oListener)Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'tap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
fireDoubletap(mArguments?)Fire event doubletap to attached listeners.
fireLongpress(mArguments?)Fire event longpress to attached listeners.
fireTap(mArguments?)Fire event tap to attached listeners.
getHeight()Getter for property height.
getLegendPosition()Getter for property legendPosition.
getLineThickness()Getter for property lineThickness.
getMaxSliceCount()Getter for property maxSliceCount.
getNumberOfCategories()See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getNumberOfVisibleCategories()Getter for property numberOfVisibleCategories.
getPrimaryColorPalette()Getter for property primaryColorPalette.
getRangeSelectorStartPosition()Getter for property rangeSelectorStartPosition.
getSelectedCategory()See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getSelectedCategoryGroup()See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getSelectedSeries()See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getShowRangeSelector()Getter for property showRangeSelector.
getShowTableValue()Getter for property showTableValue.
getShowTableView()Getter for property showTableView.
getShowTotalValue()Getter for property showTotalValue.
getType()Getter for property type.
getWidth()Getter for property width.
setHeight(sHeight)Setter for property height.
setLegendPosition(oLegendPosition)Setter for property legendPosition.
setLineThickness(fLineThickness)Setter for property lineThickness.
setMaxSliceCount(iMaxSliceCount)Setter for property maxSliceCount.
setNumberOfVisibleCategories(iNumberOfVisibleCategories)Setter for property numberOfVisibleCategories.
setRangeSelectorStartPosition(iRangeSelectorStartPosition)Setter for property rangeSelectorStartPosition.
setShowRangeSelector(bShowRangeSelector)Setter for property showRangeSelector.
setShowTableValue(bShowTableValue)Setter for property showTableValue.
setShowTableView(bShowTableView)Setter for property showTableView.
setShowTotalValue(bShowTotalValue)Setter for property showTotalValue.
setType(oType)Setter for property type.
setWidth(sWidth)Setter for property width.
addColumn(oColumn)Adds some column oColumn to the aggregation named columns.
bindColumns(sPath, oTemplate, oSorter, aFilters)Binder for aggregation columns.
bindRows(sPath, oTemplate, oSorter, aFilters)Binder for aggregation rows.
destroyCategoryAxis()Destroys the categoryAxis in the aggregation named categoryAxis.
destroyCategoryRegions()Destroys all the categoryRegions in the aggregation named categoryRegions.
destroyColumns()Destroys all the columns in the aggregation named columns.
destroySeries()Destroys the series in the aggregation named series.
destroyValueAxis()Destroys the valueAxis in the aggregation named valueAxis.
destroyValueBubble()Destroys the valueBubble in the aggregation named valueBubble.
destroyValues()Destroys all the values in the aggregation named values.
getCategoryAxis()Getter for aggregation categoryAxis.
getCategoryRegions()Getter for aggregation categoryRegions.
getColumns()Getter for aggregation columns.
getRows()Getter for aggregation rows.
getSeries()Getter for aggregation series.
getValueAxis()Getter for aggregation valueAxis.
getValueBubble()Getter for aggregation valueBubble.
getValues()Getter for aggregation values.
indexOfCategoryRegion(oCategoryRegion)Checks for the provided sap.makit.Category in the aggregation named categoryRegions and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
indexOfColumn(oColumn)Checks for the provided sap.makit.Column in the aggregation named columns and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
indexOfRow(oRow)Checks for the provided sap.makit.Row in the aggregation named rows and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
indexOfValue(oValue)Checks for the provided sap.makit.Value in the aggregation named values and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
insertColumn(oColumn, iIndex)Inserts a column into the aggregation named columns.
removeAllColumns()Removes all the controls in the aggregation named columns.
removeColumn(vColumn)Removes an column from the aggregation named columns.
unbindColumns()Unbinder for aggregation columns.
unbindRows()Unbinder for aggregation rows.
Constructor Detail
new sap.makit.Chart(sId?, mSettings?)
Constructor for a new Chart.

Accepts an object literal mSettings that defines initial property values, aggregated and associated objects as well as event handlers.

If the name of a setting is ambiguous (e.g. a property has the same name as an event), then the framework assumes property, aggregation, association, event in that order. To override this automatic resolution, one of the prefixes "aggregation:", "association:" or "event:" can be added to the name of the setting (such a prefixed name must be enclosed in single or double quotes).

The supported settings are:

{string}sId? id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
{object}mSettings? initial settings for the new control
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
Event Detail
Double tap event on the chart
Long press event on the chart
Single tap event on the chart
Method Detail
sap.makit.Chart.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?): function
Creates a new subclass of class sap.makit.Chart with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.

oClassInfo might contain the same kind of informations as described in Element.extend.

{string}sClassName name of the class to be created
{object}oClassInfo? object literal with informations about the class
{function}FNMetaImpl? constructor function for the metadata object. If not given, it defaults to sap.ui.core.ElementMetadata.
{function} the created class / constructor function
sap.makit.Chart.getMetadata(): sap.ui.base.Metadata
Returns a metadata object for class sap.makit.Chart.
{sap.ui.base.Metadata} Metadata object describing this class
attachDoubletap(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.makit.Chart
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'doubletap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.makit.Chart.

Double tap event on the chart

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.makit.Chart.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
attachLongpress(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.makit.Chart
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'longpress' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.makit.Chart.

Long press event on the chart

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.makit.Chart.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
attachTap(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.makit.Chart
Attach event handler fnFunction to the 'tap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.
. When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified otherwise to this sap.makit.Chart.

Single tap event on the chart

{object}oData? An application specific payload object, that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event.
{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.makit.Chart.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
detachDoubletap(fnFunction, oListener): sap.makit.Chart
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'doubletap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
detachLongpress(fnFunction, oListener): sap.makit.Chart
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'longpress' event of this sap.makit.Chart.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
detachTap(fnFunction, oListener): sap.makit.Chart
Detach event handler fnFunction from the 'tap' event of this sap.makit.Chart.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to call, when the event occurs.
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
fireDoubletap(mArguments?): sap.makit.Chart
Fire event doubletap to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
fireLongpress(mArguments?): sap.makit.Chart
Fire event longpress to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
fireTap(mArguments?): sap.makit.Chart
Fire event tap to attached listeners.
{Map}mArguments? the arguments to pass along with the event.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
getHeight(): sap.ui.core.CSSSize
Getter for property height. The height of the Chart

Default value is 100%

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize} the value of property height
getLegendPosition(): sap.makit.LegendPosition
Getter for property legendPosition. Legend position all chart types except Bar chart. Default position for Pie/Donut chart is Left. All other chart's default position is None. Note: the default legend position is set when the chart type is set first time, subsequent change to the chart type will keep using initial legend position unless it is changed explicitly by user.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.makit.LegendPosition} the value of property legendPosition
getLineThickness(): float
Getter for property lineThickness. Specify the line thickness of the line graph. Only applies to Line chart type.

Default value is 1

{float} the value of property lineThickness
getMaxSliceCount(): int
Getter for property maxSliceCount. Set the maximum number of slices in a Pie/Donut chart. If exceeding the specified value, the rest will be categorised into a single slice. Only applies to Pie/Donut.

Default value is 12

{int} the value of property maxSliceCount
See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getNumberOfVisibleCategories(): int
Getter for property numberOfVisibleCategories. The number of categories that will be visible on the chart at any time. The minimum value is 2. If not set, the number of visible categories will be automatically adjusted depending on the screen size

Default value is empty/undefined

{int} the value of property numberOfVisibleCategories
getPrimaryColorPalette(): any
Getter for property primaryColorPalette. Allow a chart’s color palette to be modified without affecting the other charts' color palette. If not set, the chart will use the default color palette defined in the theme. Accept an array of color in string format or hex format. e.g. 0xff0000 "red" "rgb(255,0,0)"

Default value is empty/undefined

{any} the value of property primaryColorPalette
getRangeSelectorStartPosition(): int
Getter for property rangeSelectorStartPosition. Specify the range selector start position, default value is 0.

Default value is 0

{int} the value of property rangeSelectorStartPosition
See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
See the generated JSDoc for the documentation of this public function
getShowRangeSelector(): boolean
Getter for property showRangeSelector. Specify whether the range selector should be visible.

Default value is true

{boolean} the value of property showRangeSelector
getShowTableValue(): boolean
Getter for property showTableValue. Toggle to display the table value on a Bar chart. Only applies to Bar chart.

Default value is true

{boolean} the value of property showTableValue
getShowTableView(): boolean
Getter for property showTableView. Toggle to display table view

Default value is false

{boolean} the value of property showTableView
getShowTotalValue(): boolean
Getter for property showTotalValue. Specify whether to show the sum of the value for Waterfall/Waterfall Bar chart. Only applies to Waterfall/WaterfallBar chart.

Default value is false

{boolean} the value of property showTotalValue
Getter for property type. Chart type

Default value is Column

{sap.makit.ChartType} the value of property type
getWidth(): sap.ui.core.CSSSize
Getter for property width. The width of the Chart

Default value is 100%

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize} the value of property width
setHeight(sHeight): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property height.

Default value is 100%

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize}sHeight new value for property height
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setLegendPosition(oLegendPosition): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property legendPosition.

Default value is empty/undefined

{sap.makit.LegendPosition}oLegendPosition new value for property legendPosition
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setLineThickness(fLineThickness): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property lineThickness.

Default value is 1

{float}fLineThickness new value for property lineThickness
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setMaxSliceCount(iMaxSliceCount): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property maxSliceCount.

Default value is 12

{int}iMaxSliceCount new value for property maxSliceCount
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setNumberOfVisibleCategories(iNumberOfVisibleCategories): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property numberOfVisibleCategories.

Default value is empty/undefined

{int}iNumberOfVisibleCategories new value for property numberOfVisibleCategories
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setRangeSelectorStartPosition(iRangeSelectorStartPosition): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property rangeSelectorStartPosition.

Default value is 0

{int}iRangeSelectorStartPosition new value for property rangeSelectorStartPosition
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setShowRangeSelector(bShowRangeSelector): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property showRangeSelector.

Default value is true

{boolean}bShowRangeSelector new value for property showRangeSelector
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setShowTableValue(bShowTableValue): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property showTableValue.

Default value is true

{boolean}bShowTableValue new value for property showTableValue
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setShowTableView(bShowTableView): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property showTableView.

Default value is false

{boolean}bShowTableView new value for property showTableView
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setShowTotalValue(bShowTotalValue): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property showTotalValue.

Default value is false

{boolean}bShowTotalValue new value for property showTotalValue
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setType(oType): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property type.

Default value is Column

{sap.makit.ChartType}oType new value for property type
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
setWidth(sWidth): sap.makit.Chart
Setter for property width.

Default value is 100%

{sap.ui.core.CSSSize}sWidth new value for property width
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
addColumn(oColumn): sap.makit.Chart
Adds some column oColumn to the aggregation named columns.
{sap.makit.Column}oColumn the column to add; if empty, nothing is inserted
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
bindColumns(sPath, oTemplate, oSorter, aFilters): sap.makit.Chart
Binder for aggregation columns.
{string}sPath path to a list in the model
{sap.ui.core.Element}oTemplate the control template for this aggregation
{sap.ui.model.Sorter}oSorter the initial sort order (optional)
{array}aFilters the predefined filters for this aggregation (optional)
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
bindRows(sPath, oTemplate, oSorter, aFilters): sap.makit.Chart
Binder for aggregation rows.
{string}sPath path to a list in the model
{sap.ui.core.Element}oTemplate the control template for this aggregation
{sap.ui.model.Sorter}oSorter the initial sort order (optional)
{array}aFilters the predefined filters for this aggregation (optional)
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyCategoryAxis(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys the categoryAxis in the aggregation named categoryAxis.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyCategoryRegions(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys all the categoryRegions in the aggregation named categoryRegions.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyColumns(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys all the columns in the aggregation named columns.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroySeries(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys the series in the aggregation named series.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyValueAxis(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys the valueAxis in the aggregation named valueAxis.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyValueBubble(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys the valueBubble in the aggregation named valueBubble.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
destroyValues(): sap.makit.Chart
Destroys all the values in the aggregation named values.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
getCategoryAxis(): sap.makit.CategoryAxis
Getter for aggregation categoryAxis.
Category Axis property of the Chart. Accepts only an instance of CategoryAxis element.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getCategoryRegions(): sap.makit.Category[]
Getter for aggregation categoryRegions.
Data region property of the chart's Categories
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getColumns(): sap.makit.Column[]
Getter for aggregation columns.
The data column map of the chart.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getRows(): sap.makit.Row[]
Getter for aggregation rows.
The data rows of the chart. User should bind these to their data source
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getSeries(): sap.makit.Series
Getter for aggregation series.
Data region property of the chart's Series
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getValueAxis(): sap.makit.ValueAxis
Getter for aggregation valueAxis.
Value Axis property of the Chart. Accept only an instance of ValueAxis element.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getValueBubble(): sap.makit.ValueBubble
Getter for aggregation valueBubble.
Value Bubble property of the Chart. Accept only an instance of ValueBubble element.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
getValues(): sap.makit.Value[]
Getter for aggregation values.
Data region property of the chart's Values
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
indexOfCategoryRegion(oCategoryRegion): int
Checks for the provided sap.makit.Category in the aggregation named categoryRegions and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.makit.Category}oCategoryRegion the categoryRegion whose index is looked for.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
indexOfColumn(oColumn): int
Checks for the provided sap.makit.Column in the aggregation named columns and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.makit.Column}oColumn the column whose index is looked for.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
indexOfRow(oRow): int
Checks for the provided sap.makit.Row in the aggregation named rows and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.makit.Row}oRow the row whose index is looked for.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
indexOfValue(oValue): int
Checks for the provided sap.makit.Value in the aggregation named values and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
{sap.makit.Value}oValue the value whose index is looked for.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{int} the index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise
insertColumn(oColumn, iIndex): sap.makit.Chart
Inserts a column into the aggregation named columns.
{sap.makit.Column}oColumn the column to insert; if empty, nothing is inserted
{int}iIndex the 0-based index the column should be inserted at; for a negative value of iIndex, the column is inserted at position 0; for a value greater than the current size of the aggregation, the column is inserted at the last position
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
removeAllColumns(): sap.makit.Column[]
Removes all the controls in the aggregation named columns.
Additionally unregisters them from the hosting UIArea.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Column[]} an array of the removed elements (might be empty)
removeColumn(vColumn): sap.makit.Column
Removes an column from the aggregation named columns.
{int|string|sap.makit.Column}vColumn the column to remove or its index or id
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Column} the removed column or null
unbindColumns(): sap.makit.Chart
Unbinder for aggregation columns.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining
unbindRows(): sap.makit.Chart
Unbinder for aggregation rows.
Since version 1.38. MAKIT charts have been replaced with sap.viz and vizFrame in 1.38. This control will not be supported anymore from 1.38.
{sap.makit.Chart}this to allow method chaining