Namespace sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlowZoomLevelModule: sap/suite/ui/commons/library

The zoom level defines level of details for the node and how much space the process flow requires.

Field Summary
sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlowZoomLevel.FourZoom level for least details - only icon is displayed.
sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlowZoomLevel.OneThe full details with normal font size.
sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlowZoomLevel.ThreeThe details are the icon, title text and no additional texts.
sap.suite.ui.commons.ProcessFlowZoomLevel.TwoThe full detail view of the node but with smaller font size.
Field Detail
Zoom level for least details - only icon is displayed.
The full details with normal font size.
The details are the icon, title text and no additional texts.
The full detail view of the node but with smaller font size.