Namespace sap.suite.ui.commonsModule: sap/suite/ui/commons/library
SAP UI library: sap.suite.ui.commons
Namespaces & Classes
BulletChartChart that displays an actual value as a horizontal bar in semantic color on the top of the background bar, the numeric value, the scaling factor, along with the thresholds, and a target value as vertical bars.
BulletChartDataThresholds data holder.
BulletChartModeEnumeration of possible BulletChart display modes.
BusinessCardThis control allows you to display business card information including an image, first title (either URL link or text), second title, and multiple text lines.
ChartContainerProvides a toolbar with generic functions for tables and charts based on the VizFrame control like zoom, display in fullscreen mode, toggle the legend, switch between chart types, and changes of the chart dimension.
ChartContainerContentContent aggregation for ChartContainer.
ChartTileThis control is the implementation of the InfoTile to show a comparison or bullet chart.
ColumnDataColumn data holder.
ColumnMicroChartThis control shows a column chart.
ColumnMicroChartLabelThis element contains data for a label in ColumnMicroChart control.
CommonBackgroundEnumeration of possible theme specific background colors.
ComparisonChartThis control shows a comparison chart.
ComparisonChartViewThe view of the ComparisonChart.
ComparisonDataComparison tile value holder.
CountingNavigationItemThis control extends the sap.ui.ux3.NavigationItem control.
DateRangeScrollerThe DateRangeScroller provides a method to scroll through a series of time periods, each of which is represented by a starting date and an ending date, known as the date range.
DateRangeSliderThe Date Range Slider provides the user with a Range Slider control that is optimized for use with Dates.
DateRangeSliderInternalThe Date Range Slider provides the user with a Range Slider control that is optimized for use with Dates.
DeltaMicroChartThis control displays a delta of two values as a chart.
DeviationIndicatorThe marker for the deviation trend.
DynamicContainerThe control that displays multiple GenericTile controls as changing slides.
FacetOverviewThis control is used in UnifiedThingInspector to display the preview of the facet content.
FacetOverviewHeightEnumeration of possible FacetOverview height settings.
FeedItemThis element represents a news feed item.
FeedItemHeaderThis control displays feed item header information.
FeedTileThis control displays news feeds.
FrameTypeEnumeration of possible frame types.
GenericTileThe tile control that displays the title, description, and customizable main area.
GenericTile2X2The tile control that displays the title, description, and customizable main area.
HarveyBallMicroChartThis chart shows the part comparative to total.
HarveyBallMicroChartItemThe configuration of the slice on the pie chart.
HeaderCellThis control contains 4 cells (West, North, East, South).
HeaderCellItemObject that contains instance of control and infomation about height.
HeaderContainerThe container that provides a horizontal layout.
HeaderContainerViewThe list of possible HeaderContainer views.
InfoTileThe tile control that displays the title, description, footer, and customizable main area.
InfoTileSizeEnumeration of possible PointTile size settings.
InfoTileTextColorEnumeration of possible InfoTile text color settings.
InfoTileValueColorEnumeration of possible InfoTile value color settings.
JamContentThis control displays the jam content text, subheader, and numeric value in a tile.
KpiTileThis control is used in UnifiedThingInspector to display object-related KPIs in a factsheet.
LaunchTileThis control launches a URL.
LinkActionSheetThis control contains one or more sap.m.Button controls or sap.ui.commons.Link controls.
LoadStateEnumeration of possible load states for LoadableView.
MicroAreaChartThis control displays the history of values as a line mini chart or an area mini chart.
MicroAreaChartItemThe configuration of the graphic element on the chart.
MicroAreaChartLabelThis element contains data for a label in MicroAreaChart control.
MicroAreaChartPointThis control contains data for the point.
MicroAreaChartViewThe list of possible MicroAreaChart views.
MonitoringContentThis control is used in a tile or any other place to display numeric values and an icon.
MonitoringTileThis control is the implementation of the InfoTile to show a numeric value and an icon.
NewsContentThis control displays the news content text and subheader in a tile.
NoteTakerThis control allows you to create and store your notes for further reference.
NoteTakerCardThis control allows you to store Note Taker card header and body text.
NoteTakerFeederThis control allows you to enter a quick note and N note cards.
NumericContentNumericContent to be used in tile or in other place where need to show numeric values with sematic colors and deviations.
NumericTileThis control is the implementation of the InfoTile to show a numeric value.
PictureZoomInShows picture in fullscreen.
ProcessFlowComplex control that enables you to display documents or other items in their flow.
ProcessFlowConnectionThis control is used inside the ProcessFlow control to connect process flow node A with process flow node B in respect to the style(x) chosen by the application.
ProcessFlowConnectionLabelThis control is used inside the ProcessFlow control providing information on connections.
ProcessFlowConnectionLabelStateDescribes the state of a connection label.
ProcessFlowConnectionStateDescribes the state of a connection.
ProcessFlowConnectionTypeDescribes the type of a connection.
ProcessFlowDisplayStateThe ProcessFlow calculates the ProcessFlowDisplayState based on the 'focused' and ?highlighted? properties of each node.
ProcessFlowLaneHeaderThis control gives you an overview of documents/items used in a process flow.
ProcessFlowLaneStateThis type is used in the ?state? property of the ProcessFlowLaneHeader.
ProcessFlowNodeThis control enables you to see documents (or other items) in respect to their statuses – positive, negative, neutral, planned, planned negative.
ProcessFlowNodeStateDescribes the state info connected to the content displayed in the Process Flow Node body.
ProcessFlowNodeTypeDescribes the type of a node.
ProcessFlowZoomLevelThe zoom level defines level of details for the node and how much space the process flow requires.
RepeaterViewConfigurationA configuration control defining how the content of the sap.suite.ui.commons.ViewRepeater control is displayed and what data is bound.
SplitButtonThe Split Button Control is a composite control that consists of a default-action Button and a Menu Button control.
TargetFilterThe analytical filter control.
TargetFilterColumnThe configuration element for the column in the TargetFilter control.
TargetFilterMeasureColumnThe configuration element for the measure column in the TargetFilter control.
ThingCollectionThis control contains a collection of the sap.ui.ux3.ThingViewer controls or descendants of sap.ui.ux3.ThingViewer.
ThingGroupDesignDefines the way how UnifiedThingGroup control is rendered.
ThreePanelThingInspectorThis control extends the sap.ui.ux3.ThingInspector control.
ThreePanelThingViewerThis control extends the sap.ui.ux3.ThingViewer control.
TileContentThis control serves a universal container for different types of content and footer.
TileContent2X2This control serves a universal container for different types of content and footer.
TimelineTimeline Control for sFin.
TimelineAlignmentWhere to align items with respect to the time line.
TimelineAxisOrientationTimeline Axis Orientation
TimelineFilterListItemProvides Filter List Item for Timeline Control
TimelineItemPositionPosition of TimelineItem
UnifiedThingGroupThis control is used in UnifiedThingInspector to display the facet header information.
UnifiedThingInspectorThis control provides an ability to display a thing (for example, object factsheet) on the desktop, tablet, and phone devices in a Fiori style.
ValueStatusMarker for the key value status.
VerticalNavigationBarThis control extends the sap.ui.ux3.NavigationBar and allows you to display navigation items vertically.
ViewRepeaterThis control extends the sap.ui.commons.RowRepeater control providing an ability to change data representation by switching between a number of views.