Class sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectControllerModule: sap/ui/comp/navpopover/SemanticObjectController

extends Element

The SemanticObjectController allows the user to register against semantic object navigation events as well as define semantic objects which should be ignored.

Constructor Summary
new sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController(sId?, mSettings?)Constructor for a new navpopover/SemanticObjectController.
Event Summary
beforePopoverOpens(oControlEvent)Event is fired before the navigation popover opens and before navigation target links are retrieved.
navigate(oControlEvent)This event is fired after a navigation link on the navigation popover has been clicked.
navigationTargetsObtained(oControlEvent)After the navigation targets have been retrieved, navigationTargetsObtained is fired and makes it possible you to change the targets.
prefetchDone(oControlEvent)If the property prefetchNavigationTargets is set to true, event prefetchDone is fired after all navigation targets have been retrieved.
Method Summary
sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?)Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.
sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.getMetadata()Returns a metadata object for class sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
attachBeforePopoverOpens(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attaches event handler fnFunction to the beforePopoverOpens event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
attachNavigate(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attaches event handler fnFunction to the navigate event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
attachNavigationTargetsObtained(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attaches event handler fnFunction to the navigationTargetsObtained event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
attachPrefetchDone(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?)Attaches event handler fnFunction to the prefetchDone event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
detachBeforePopoverOpens(fnFunction, oListener)Detaches event handler fnFunction from the beforePopoverOpens event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
detachNavigate(fnFunction, oListener)Detaches event handler fnFunction from the navigate event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
detachNavigationTargetsObtained(fnFunction, oListener)Detaches event handler fnFunction from the navigationTargetsObtained event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
detachPrefetchDone(fnFunction, oListener)Detaches event handler fnFunction from the prefetchDone event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
fireBeforePopoverOpens(mArguments?)Fires event beforePopoverOpens to attached listeners.
fireNavigate(mArguments?)Fires event navigate to attached listeners.
fireNavigationTargetsObtained(mArguments?)Fires event navigationTargetsObtained to attached listeners.
firePrefetchDone(mArguments?)Fires event prefetchDone to attached listeners.
getEntitySet()Gets current value of property entitySet.
getFieldSemanticObjectMap()Gets current value of property fieldSemanticObjectMap.
getIgnoredFields()Gets current value of property ignoredFields.
getPrefetchNavigationTargets()Gets current value of property prefetchNavigationTargets.
hasSemanticObjectLinks(sSemanticObject)Checks if the given semantic object name has a navigation link.
registerControl(oSmartLink)Adds the given control to the SemanticObjectController and registers all relevant events.
setEntitySet(sEntitySet)Sets a new value for property entitySet.
setFieldSemanticObjectMap(oFieldSemanticObjectMap)Sets a new value for property fieldSemanticObjectMap.
setIgnoredFields(sIgnoredFields)Sets a new value for property ignoredFields.
setIgnoredState(oSmartLink)Checks if the given SmartLink has to be enabled or disabled and sets the state.
setPrefetchNavigationTargets(bPrefetchNavigationTargets)Sets a new value for property prefetchNavigationTargets.
unregisterControl(oSmartLink)Removes the given control from the SemanticObjectController and unregisters all relevant events.
Constructor Detail
new sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController(sId?, mSettings?)
Constructor for a new navpopover/SemanticObjectController.

Accepts an object literal mSettings that defines initial property values, aggregated and associated objects as well as event handlers. See sap.ui.base.ManagedObject for a general description of the syntax of the settings object.

The supported settings are:

In addition, all settings applicable to the base type sap.ui.core.Element can be used as well.

{string}sId? id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given
{object}mSettings? initial settings for the new control
Event Detail
Event is fired before the navigation popover opens and before navigation target links are retrieved. Event can be used to change the parameters used to retrieve the navigation targets. In case of SmartLink, beforePopoverOpens is fired after the link has been clicked.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticObject The semantic object for which the navigation targets will be retrieved.
{object}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticAttributes Map containing the semantic attributes calculated from the binding that will be used to retrieve the navigation targets.
{function}oControlEvent.getParameters.setSemanticAttributes This callback function enables you to define a changed semantic attributes map. Signatures: setSemanticAttributes(oSemanticAttributesMap) Parameter:
  • {object} oSemanticAttributesMap New map containing the semantic attributes to be used.
{function}oControlEvent.getParameters.setAppStateKey This callback function sets an application state key that is used over the cross-application navigation. Signatures: setAppStateKey(sAppStateKey) Parameter:
  • {string} sAppStateKey
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.originalId The ID of the control that fires this event. If beforePopoverOpens is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is also the SmartLink's ID. If the beforePopoverOpens is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
{function} This callback function triggers the retrieval of navigation targets and leads to the opening of the navigation popover. Signatures: open() If beforePopoverOpens has been registered, open function has to be called manually in order to open the navigation popover.
This event is fired after a navigation link on the navigation popover has been clicked. This event is only fired, if the user left-clicks the link. Right-clicking the link and selecting 'Open in New Window' etc. in the context menu does not fire the event.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.text The UI text shown in the clicked link.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.href The navigation target of the clicked link.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticObject The semantic object used to retrieve this target.
{object}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticAttributes Map containing the semantic attributes used to retrieve this target.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.originalId The ID of the control that fires this event. If navigate is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is the SmartLink's ID. If navigate is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
After the navigation targets have been retrieved, navigationTargetsObtained is fired and makes it possible you to change the targets.
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData}oControlEvent.getParameters.mainNavigation The main navigation object.
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData[]}oControlEvent.getParameters.actions Array of available navigation target objects.
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData}oControlEvent.getParameters.ownNavigation The navigation object for the own application. This navigation option is by default not visible on the popover.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticObject The semantic object for which the navigation targets have been retrieved.
{string}oControlEvent.getParameters.originalId The ID of the control that fires this event. If navigationTargetsObtained is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is also the SmartLink's ID. If navigationTargetsObtained is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
{function} This callback function shows the actual navigation popover. If the navigationTargetsObtained has been registered, the show function has to be called manually in order to open the navigation popover. Signatures: show()show(oMainNavigation, aAvailableActions, oExtraContent)show(sMainNavigationId, oMainNavigation, aAvailableActions, oExtraContent) Parameters:
  • {string} sMainNavigationId The visible text for the main navigation section. If empty, the main navigation ID is calculated using binding context of given source object (such as SmartLink).
  • {sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData} oMainNavigation The main navigation object. If empty, property mainNavigation will be used.
  • {sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData[]} aAvailableActions Array containing the cross-application navigation links. If empty, property actions will be used.
  • {sap.ui.core.Control} oExtraContent Control that will be displayed in extra content section on the popover.
If the property prefetchNavigationTargets is set to true, event prefetchDone is fired after all navigation targets have been retrieved.
{object}oControlEvent.getParameters.semanticObjects A map containing all semantic objects as keys for which at least one navigation target has been found. The value for each semantic object key is an array containing the available actions found for this semantic object.
Method Detail
sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?): function
Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController with name sClassName and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo.

oClassInfo might contain the same kind of information as described in sap.ui.core.Element.extend.

{string}sClassName Name of the class being created
{object}oClassInfo? Object literal with information about the class
{function}FNMetaImpl? Constructor function for the metadata object; if not given, it defaults to sap.ui.core.ElementMetadata
{function} Created class / constructor function
sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.getMetadata(): sap.ui.base.Metadata
Returns a metadata object for class sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.
{sap.ui.base.Metadata} Metadata object describing this class
attachBeforePopoverOpens(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Attaches event handler fnFunction to the beforePopoverOpens event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified, otherwise it will be bound to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself.

Event is fired before the navigation popover opens and before navigation target links are retrieved. Event can be used to change the parameters used to retrieve the navigation targets. In case of SmartLink, beforePopoverOpens is fired after the link has been clicked.

{object}oData? An application-specific payload object that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event
{function}fnFunction The function to be called when the event occurs
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
attachNavigate(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Attaches event handler fnFunction to the navigate event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified, otherwise it will be bound to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself.

This event is fired after a navigation link on the navigation popover has been clicked. This event is only fired, if the user left-clicks the link. Right-clicking the link and selecting 'Open in New Window' etc. in the context menu does not fire the event.

{object}oData? An application-specific payload object that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event
{function}fnFunction The function to be called when the event occurs
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
attachNavigationTargetsObtained(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Attaches event handler fnFunction to the navigationTargetsObtained event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified, otherwise it will be bound to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself.

After the navigation targets have been retrieved, navigationTargetsObtained is fired and makes it possible you to change the targets.

{object}oData? An application-specific payload object that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event
{function}fnFunction The function to be called when the event occurs
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
attachPrefetchDone(oData?, fnFunction, oListener?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Attaches event handler fnFunction to the prefetchDone event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

When called, the context of the event handler (its this) will be bound to oListener if specified, otherwise it will be bound to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself.

If the property prefetchNavigationTargets is set to true, event prefetchDone is fired after all navigation targets have been retrieved.

{object}oData? An application-specific payload object that will be passed to the event handler along with the event object when firing the event
{function}fnFunction The function to be called when the event occurs
{object}oListener? Context object to call the event handler with. Defaults to this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController itself
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
detachBeforePopoverOpens(fnFunction, oListener): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Detaches event handler fnFunction from the beforePopoverOpens event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to be called, when the event occurs
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
detachNavigate(fnFunction, oListener): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Detaches event handler fnFunction from the navigate event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to be called, when the event occurs
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
detachNavigationTargetsObtained(fnFunction, oListener): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Detaches event handler fnFunction from the navigationTargetsObtained event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to be called, when the event occurs
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
detachPrefetchDone(fnFunction, oListener): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Detaches event handler fnFunction from the prefetchDone event of this sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController.

The passed function and listener object must match the ones used for event registration.

{function}fnFunction The function to be called, when the event occurs
{object}oListener Context object on which the given function had to be called
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
fireBeforePopoverOpens(mArguments?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Fires event beforePopoverOpens to attached listeners.

Expects the following event parameters:

  • semanticObject of type stringThe semantic object for which the navigation targets will be retrieved.
  • semanticAttributes of type objectMap containing the semantic attributes calculated from the binding that will be used to retrieve the navigation targets.
  • setSemanticAttributes of type functionThis callback function enables you to define a changed semantic attributes map. Signatures: setSemanticAttributes(oSemanticAttributesMap) Parameter:
    • {object} oSemanticAttributesMap New map containing the semantic attributes to be used.
  • setAppStateKey of type functionThis callback function sets an application state key that is used over the cross-application navigation. Signatures: setAppStateKey(sAppStateKey) Parameter:
    • {string} sAppStateKey
  • originalId of type stringThe ID of the control that fires this event. If beforePopoverOpens is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is also the SmartLink's ID. If the beforePopoverOpens is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
  • open of type functionThis callback function triggers the retrieval of navigation targets and leads to the opening of the navigation popover. Signatures: open() If beforePopoverOpens has been registered, open function has to be called manually in order to open the navigation popover.
{Map}mArguments? The arguments to pass along with the event
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
Fires event navigate to attached listeners.

Expects the following event parameters:

  • text of type stringThe UI text shown in the clicked link.
  • href of type stringThe navigation target of the clicked link.
  • semanticObject of type stringThe semantic object used to retrieve this target.
  • semanticAttributes of type objectMap containing the semantic attributes used to retrieve this target.
  • originalId of type stringThe ID of the control that fires this event. If navigate is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is the SmartLink's ID. If navigate is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
{Map}mArguments? The arguments to pass along with the event
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
fireNavigationTargetsObtained(mArguments?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Fires event navigationTargetsObtained to attached listeners.

Expects the following event parameters:

  • mainNavigation of type sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkDataThe main navigation object.
  • actions of type sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData[]Array of available navigation target objects.
  • ownNavigation of type sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkDataThe navigation object for the own application. This navigation option is by default not visible on the popover.
  • semanticObject of type stringThe semantic object for which the navigation targets have been retrieved.
  • originalId of type stringThe ID of the control that fires this event. If navigationTargetsObtained is registered on the SmartLink, originalId is the same as the event's source ID which is also the SmartLink's ID. If navigationTargetsObtained is registered on the SemanticObjectController, originalId helps to identify the original SmartLink control which triggered the event.
  • show of type functionThis callback function shows the actual navigation popover. If the navigationTargetsObtained has been registered, the show function has to be called manually in order to open the navigation popover. Signatures: show()show(oMainNavigation, aAvailableActions, oExtraContent)show(sMainNavigationId, oMainNavigation, aAvailableActions, oExtraContent) Parameters:
    • {string} sMainNavigationId The visible text for the main navigation section. If empty, the main navigation ID is calculated using binding context of given source object (such as SmartLink).
    • {sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData} oMainNavigation The main navigation object. If empty, property mainNavigation will be used.
    • {sap.ui.comp.navpopover.LinkData[]} aAvailableActions Array containing the cross-application navigation links. If empty, property actions will be used.
    • {sap.ui.core.Control} oExtraContent Control that will be displayed in extra content section on the popover.
{Map}mArguments? The arguments to pass along with the event
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
firePrefetchDone(mArguments?): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Fires event prefetchDone to attached listeners.

Expects the following event parameters:

  • semanticObjects of type objectA map containing all semantic objects as keys for which at least one navigation target has been found. The value for each semantic object key is an array containing the available actions found for this semantic object.
{Map}mArguments? The arguments to pass along with the event
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
getEntitySet(): string
Gets current value of property entitySet.

The name of the entity set used. If entitySet has not been defined, the SemanticObjectController tries to retrieve the name from its parents. Note: This is not a dynamic UI5 property.

{string} Value of property entitySet
getFieldSemanticObjectMap(): object
Gets current value of property fieldSemanticObjectMap.

Maps the field names to the related semantic objects. When accessing this property for the first time, the mapping will be calculated from the metadata within the provided model.

{object} Value of property fieldSemanticObjectMap
getIgnoredFields(): string
Gets current value of property ignoredFields.

Comma-separated list of field names that must not be displayed as links.

{string} Value of property ignoredFields
getPrefetchNavigationTargets(): boolean
Gets current value of property prefetchNavigationTargets.

If set to true, the SemanticObjectController will retrieve all navigation targets once and will disable links for which no targets were found. Setting this value to true will trigger an additional roundtrip.

Default value is false.

{boolean} Value of property prefetchNavigationTargets
hasSemanticObjectLinks(sSemanticObject): boolean
Checks if the given semantic object name has a navigation link. Note: this method returns a valid value only after the event prefetchDone has been raised. The event prefetchDone is raised if the property prefetchNavigationTargets is set to true.
{boolean} true if the semantic object has known navigation links
Adds the given control to the SemanticObjectController and registers all relevant events.
Sets a new value for property entitySet.

The name of the entity set used. If entitySet has not been defined, the SemanticObjectController tries to retrieve the name from its parents. Note: This is not a dynamic UI5 property.

When called with a value of null or undefined, the default value of the property will be restored.

{string}sEntitySet New value for property entitySet
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
setFieldSemanticObjectMap(oFieldSemanticObjectMap): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Sets a new value for property fieldSemanticObjectMap.

Maps the field names to the related semantic objects. When accessing this property for the first time, the mapping will be calculated from the metadata within the provided model.

When called with a value of null or undefined, the default value of the property will be restored.

{object}oFieldSemanticObjectMap New value for property fieldSemanticObjectMap
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
setIgnoredFields(sIgnoredFields): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Sets a new value for property ignoredFields.

Comma-separated list of field names that must not be displayed as links.

When called with a value of null or undefined, the default value of the property will be restored.

{string}sIgnoredFields New value for property ignoredFields
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
Checks if the given SmartLink has to be enabled or disabled and sets the state.
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SmartLink}oSmartLink the SmartLink which should be enabled or disabled.
setPrefetchNavigationTargets(bPrefetchNavigationTargets): sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController
Sets a new value for property prefetchNavigationTargets.

If set to true, the SemanticObjectController will retrieve all navigation targets once and will disable links for which no targets were found. Setting this value to true will trigger an additional roundtrip.

When called with a value of null or undefined, the default value of the property will be restored.

Default value is false.

{boolean}bPrefetchNavigationTargets New value for property prefetchNavigationTargets
{sap.ui.comp.navpopover.SemanticObjectController} Reference to this in order to allow method chaining
Removes the given control from the SemanticObjectController and unregisters all relevant events.