{object} | oFormatOptions? | The option object which support the following parameters. If no options is given, default values according to the type and locale settings are used. |
{int} | oFormatOptions.minIntegerDigits? | defines minimal number of non-decimal digits |
{int} | oFormatOptions.maxIntegerDigits? | defines maximum number of non-decimal digits |
{int} | oFormatOptions.minFractionDigits? | defines minimal number of decimal digits |
{int} | oFormatOptions.maxFractionDigits? | defines maximum number of decimal digits |
{int} | oFormatOptions.decimals? | defines the number of decimal digits |
{int} | oFormatOptions.shortDecimals? | defines the number of decimal in the shortified format string. If this isn't specified, the 'decimals' options is used |
{int} | oFormatOptions.shortLimit? | only use short number formatting for values above this limit |
{int} | oFormatOptions.precision? | defines the number precision, number of decimals is calculated dependent on the integer digits |
{string} | oFormatOptions.pattern? | CLDR number pattern which is used to format the number |
{boolean} | oFormatOptions.groupingEnabled? | defines whether grouping is enabled (show the grouping separators) |
{string} | oFormatOptions.groupingSeparator? | defines the used grouping separator |
{int} | oFormatOptions.groupingSize? | defines the grouping size in digits, the default is three |
{int} | oFormatOptions.groupingBaseSize? | defines the grouping base size in digits, in case it is different from the grouping size (e.g. indian grouping) |
{string} | oFormatOptions.decimalSeparator? | defines the used decimal separator |
{string} | oFormatOptions.plusSign? | defines the used plus symbol |
{string} | oFormatOptions.minusSign? | defines the used minus symbol |
{boolean} | oFormatOptions.parseAsString? | @since 1.28.2 defines whether to output string from parse function in order to keep the precision for big numbers. Numbers in scientific notation are parsed back to the standard notation. For example ".5e-3" is parsed to "0.0005". |
{string} | oFormatOptions.style? | defines the style of format. Valid values are 'short, 'long' or 'standard' (based on CLDR decimalFormat). Numbers are formatted into compact forms when it's set to 'short' or 'long'. |
{sap.ui.core.format.NumberFormat.RoundingMode} | oFormatOptions.roundingMode? | specifies a rounding behavior for discarding the digits after the maximum fraction digits defined by maxFractionDigits. Rounding will only be applied, if the passed value if of type number. This can be assigned by value in RoundingMode or a function which will be used for rounding the number. The function is called with two parameters: the number and how many decimal digits should be reserved. |
{boolean} | oFormatOptions.showMeasure? | defines whether the measure according to the format is shown in the formatted string |
{boolean} | oFormatOptions.currencyCode? | defines whether the currency is shown as code in currency format. The currency symbol is displayed when this is set to false and there's symbol defined for the given currency code. |
{string} | oFormatOptions.currencyContext? | It can be set either with 'standard' (the default value) or with 'accounting' for an accounting specific currency display |
{number} | oFormatOptions.emptyString? | @since 1.30.0 defines what empty string is parsed as and what is formatted as empty string. The allowed values are only NaN, null or 0. The 'format' and 'parse' are done in a symmetric way which means when this parameter is set to NaN, empty string is parsed as NaN and NaN is formatted as empty string. |