Class sap/ui/model/analytics/odata4analytics

Representation of a dimension attribute.

Constructor Summary
new, oProperty)Create a representation of a dimension attribute provided by an analytic query.
Method Summary
getDimension()Get dimension
getKeyProperty()Get the key property
getLabelText()Get label
getName()Get the name of the dimension attribute
getTextProperty()Get text property related to this dimension attribute
Constructor Detail
new, oProperty)
Create a representation of a dimension attribute provided by an analytic query. Do not create your own instances.
{}oQueryResult The query result containing this dimension attribute
{object}oProperty The DataJS object object representing the dimension attribute
Method Detail
Get dimension
{} The dimension object containing this attribute
getKeyProperty(): object
Get the key property
{object} The DataJS object representing the property for the key of this dimension attribute
getLabelText(): string
Get label
{string} The (possibly language-dependent) label text for this dimension attribute
getName(): string
Get the name of the dimension attribute
{string} The name of the dimension attribute, which is identical to the name of the property in the entity type holding the attribute value
getTextProperty(): object
Get text property related to this dimension attribute
{object} The DataJS object representing the text property or null if it does not exist