Class sap/ui/model/analytics/odata4analytics

Representation of a OData entity set.

Constructor Summary
new, oSchema, oContainer, oEntitySet, oEntityType)Create a representation of an OData entity set in the context of an analytic query.
Method Summary
getEntityType()Get entity type used for this entity set
getQName()Get the fully qualified name for this entity type
getSetDescription()Get full description for this entity set
getUpdatablePropertyNameSet()Get names of properties in this entity set that can be updated
Constructor Detail
new, oSchema, oContainer, oEntitySet, oEntityType)
Create a representation of an OData entity set in the context of an analytic query. Do not create your own instances.
{object}oModel DataJS object for the OData model containing this entity set
{object}oSchema DataJS object for the schema surrounding the container of this entity set
{object}oContainer DataJS object for the container holding this entity set
{object}oEntitySet DataJS object for the entity set
{object}oEntityType DataJS object for the entity type
Method Detail
getEntityType(): object
Get entity type used for this entity set
{object} The DataJS object representing the entity type
getQName(): string
Get the fully qualified name for this entity type
{string} The fully qualified name
getSetDescription(): object
Get full description for this entity set
{object} The DataJS object representing the entity set
getUpdatablePropertyNameSet(): object
Get names of properties in this entity set that can be updated
{object} An object with individual JS properties for each updatable property. For testing whether propertyName is the name of an updatable property, use getUpdatablePropertyNameSet()[propertyName]. The included JS object properties are all set to true.