Namespace sap.ui.modelModule: sap/ui/model/Model

The SAPUI5 Data Binding API.

The default binding mode for model implementations (if not implemented otherwise) is two way and the supported binding modes by the model are one way, two way and one time. The default binding mode can be changed by the application for each model instance. A model implementation should specify its supported binding modes and set the default binding mode accordingly (e.g. if the model supports only one way binding the default binding mode should also be set to one way).

The default size limit for models is 100. The size limit determines the number of entries used for the list bindings.

Namespaces & Classes
analyticsAnalytical Adapter for ODataModels
BindingThe Binding is the object, which holds the necessary information for a data binding, like the binding path and the binding context, and acts like an interface to the model for the control, so it is the event provider for changes in the data model and provides getters for accessing properties or lists.
BindingModeBinding type definitions.
ChangeReasonChange Reason for ListBinding/TreeBinding.
ClientContextBindingThe ContextBinding is a specific binding for a setting context for the model
ClientModelModel implementation for Client models
CompositeBindingThe CompositeBinding is used to bundle multiple property bindings which are be used to provide a single binding against these property bindings.
CompositeDataStateProvides and update the status data of a binding.
CompositeTypeThis is an abstract base class for composite types.
ContextThe Context is a pointer to an object in the model data, which is used to allow definition of relative bindings, which are resolved relative to the defined object.
ContextBindingThe ContextBinding is a specific binding for a setting context for the model
controlControl-based DataBinding
DataStateProvides and update the status data of a binding.
FilterFilter for the list binding.
FilterOperatorOperators for the Filter.
FilterTypeOperators for the Filter.
jsonJSON-based DataBinding
ListBindingThe ListBinding is a specific binding for lists in the model, which can be used to populate Tables or ItemLists.
messageMessage DataBinding
MetaModelModel implementation for meta models
ModelThis is an abstract base class for model objects.
odataOData-based DataBinding Utility Class
PropertyBindingThe PropertyBinding is used to access single data values in the data model.
resourceResourceBundle-based DataBinding
SimpleTypeThis is an abstract base class for simple types.
SorterSorter for the list binding This object defines the sort order for the list binding.
TreeBindingThe TreeBinding is a specific binding for trees in the model, which can be used to populate Trees.
TypeThis is an abstract base class for type objects.
xmlXML-based DataBinding
Method Summary
sap.ui.model.FormatException()FormatException class

This exception is thrown, when an error occurs while trying to convert a value of the model to a specific property value in the UI.

sap.ui.model.ParseException()ParseException class

This exception is thrown, when a parse error occurs while converting a string value to a specific property type in the model.

sap.ui.model.ValidateException()ValidateException class

This exception is thrown, when a validation error occurs while checking the defined constraints for a type.

Method Detail
sap.ui.model.FormatException()Module: sap/ui/model/FormatException
FormatException class

This exception is thrown, when an error occurs while trying to convert a value of the model to a specific property value in the UI.

sap.ui.model.ParseException()Module: sap/ui/model/ParseException
ParseException class

This exception is thrown, when a parse error occurs while converting a string value to a specific property type in the model.

sap.ui.model.ValidateException()Module: sap/ui/model/ValidateException
ValidateException class

This exception is thrown, when a validation error occurs while checking the defined constraints for a type.