Namespace sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelperModule: sap/ui/model/odata/AnnotationHelper

A collection of methods which help to consume OData V4 annotations in XML template views. Every context argument must belong to a sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMetaModel instance.

Formatter functions like format and simplePath can be used in complex bindings to turn OData V4 annotations into texts or data bindings, e.g. <sfi:SmartField value="{path : 'meta>Value', formatter : 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.simplePath'}"/>.

Helper functions like resolvePath can be used by template instructions in XML template views, e.g. <template:with path="meta>Value" helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.resolvePath" var="target">.

Since 1.31.0, you DO NOT need to this module before use.

Since: 1.27.0.
Method Summary
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.createPropertySetting(vParts, fnRootFormatter?)Creates a property setting (which is either a constant value or a binding info object) from the given parts and from the optional root formatter function.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.format(oInterface, vRawValue?)A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.getNavigationPath(oInterface, vRawValue?)A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntitySet(oContext)Helper function for a template:with instruction that depending on how it is called goes to the entity set with the given name or to the one determined by the last navigation property.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntityType(oContext)Helper function for a template:with instruction that goes to the entity type with the qualified name which oContext points at.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoFunctionImport(oContext)Helper function for a template:with instruction that goes to the function import with the name which oContext points at.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.isMultiple(oInterface, vRawValue?)A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations.
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.resolvePath(oContext)Helper function for a template:with instruction that resolves a dynamic "14.5.2 Expression edm:AnnotationPath", "14.5.11 Expression edm:NavigationPropertyPath", "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path" or "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath".
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.simplePath(oInterface, vRawValue?)Formatter function that is used in a complex binding inside an XML template view.
Method Detail
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.createPropertySetting(vParts, fnRootFormatter?): any|object
Creates a property setting (which is either a constant value or a binding info object) from the given parts and from the optional root formatter function. Each part can have one of the following types:
  • boolean, number, undefined: The part is a constant value.

  • string: The part is a data binding expression with complex binding syntax (for example, as created by format) and is parsed accordingly to create either a constant value or a binding info object. Proper backslash escaping must be used for constant values with curly braces.

  • object: The part is a binding info object if it has a "path" or "parts" property, otherwise it is a constant value.
If a binding info object is not the only part and has a "parts" property itself, then it must have no other properties except "formatter"; this is the case for expression bindings and data binding expressions created by format.

If all parts are constant values, the resulting property setting is also a constant value computed by applying the root formatter function to the constant parts once. If at least one part is a binding info object, the resulting property setting is also a binding info object and the root formatter function will be applied again and again to the current values of all parts, no matter whether constant or variable.

Note: The root formatter function should not rely on its this value because it depends on how the function is called.

Note: A single data binding expression can be given directly to applySettings, no need to call this function first.


function myRootFormatter(oValue1, oValue2, sFullName, sGreeting, iAnswer) {
    return ...; //TODO compute something useful from the given values

oSupplierContext = oMetaModel.getMetaContext("/ProductSet('HT-1021')/ToSupplier");
oValueContext = oMetaModel.createBindingContext("", oSupplierContext);

vPropertySetting =  sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.createPropertySetting([
    "{path : 'meta>Value', formatter : 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.simplePath'}",
    "{:= 'Mr. ' + ${/FirstName} + ' ' + ${/LastName}}",
    "hello, world!",
], myRootFormatter);

oControl.applySettings({"someProperty" : vPropertySetting});
{any[]}vParts array of parts
{function}fnRootFormatter? root formatter function; default: Array.prototype.join(., " ") in case of multiple parts, just like getExternalValue
{Error} if some part has an unsupported type or refers to a function name which is not found
{any|object} constant value or binding info object for a property as expected by applySettings
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.format(oInterface, vRawValue?): string
A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations. It knows about
  • the "14.4 Constant Expressions" for "edm:Bool", "edm:Date", "edm:DateTimeOffset", "edm:Decimal", "edm:Float", "edm:Guid", "edm:Int", "edm:TimeOfDay".
  • the constant "14.4.11 Expression edm:String": This is turned into a fixed text (e.g. "Width") or into a data binding expression (e.g. "{/##/dataServices/schema/0/entityType/1/}" ). Data binding expressions are used in case XML template processing has been started with the setting bindTexts : true. The purpose is to reference translatable texts from OData V4 annotations, especially for XML template processing at design time. Since 1.31.0, string constants that contain a simple binding "{@i18n>...}" to the hard-coded model name "@i18n" with arbitrary path are not turned into a fixed text, but kept as a data binding expression; this allows local annotation files to refer to a resource bundle for internationalization.
  • the dynamic "14.5.1 Comparison and Logical Operators": These are turned into expression bindings to perform the operations at run-time.
  • the dynamic "14.5.3 Expression edm:Apply":
    • " Function odata.concat": This is turned into a data binding expression relative to an entity.
    • " Function odata.fillUriTemplate": This is turned into an expression binding to fill the template at run-time.
    • " Function odata.uriEncode": This is turned into an expression binding to encode the parameter at run-time.
    • Apply functions may be nested arbitrarily.
  • the dynamic "14.5.6 Expression edm:If": This is turned into an expression binding to be evaluated at run-time. The expression is a conditional expression like "{=condition ? expression1 : expression2}".
  • the dynamic "14.5.10 Expression edm:Null": This is turned into a null value. In odata.concat it is ignored.
  • the dynamic "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path" and "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath": This is turned into a data binding relative to an entity, including type information and constraints as available from meta data, e.g. "{path : 'Name', type : 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.String', constraints : {'maxLength':'255'}}". Depending on the used type, some additional constraints of this type are set:
    • Edm.DateTime: The "displayFormat" constraint is set to the value of the "sap:display-format" annotation of the referenced property.
    • Edm.Decimal: The "precision" and "scale" constraints are set to the values of the corresponding attributes of the referenced property.
    • Edm.String: The "maxLength" constraint is set to the value of the corresponding attribute of the referenced property and the "isDigitSequence" constraint is set to the value of the "" annotation of the referenced property.
Unsupported or incorrect values are turned into a string nevertheless, but indicated as such. Proper escaping is used to make sure that data binding syntax is not corrupted. An error describing the problem is logged to the console in such a case.


<Text text="{path: 'meta>Value', formatter: 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.format'}" />
{sap.ui.core.util.XMLPreprocessor.IContext|sap.ui.model.Context}oInterface the callback interface related to the current formatter call
{any}vRawValue? the raw value from the meta model, which is embedded within an entity set or entity type:
  • if this function is used as formatter the value is provided by the framework
  • if this function is called directly, provide the parameter only if it is already calculated
  • if the parameter is omitted, it is calculated automatically through oInterface.getObject("")
{string} the resulting string value to write into the processed XML
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.getNavigationPath(oInterface, vRawValue?): string
A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations. It knows about the following dynamic expressions:
  • "14.5.2 Expression edm:AnnotationPath"
  • "14.5.11 Expression edm:NavigationPropertyPath"
  • "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path"
  • "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath"
It returns a binding expression for a navigation path in an OData model, starting at an entity. Currently supports navigation properties. Term casts and annotations of navigation properties terminate the navigation path.


<template:if test="{path: 'facet>Target', formatter: 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.getNavigationPath'}">
    <form:SimpleForm binding="{path: 'facet>Target', formatter: 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.getNavigationPath'}" />
{sap.ui.core.util.XMLPreprocessor.IContext|sap.ui.model.Context}oInterface the callback interface related to the current formatter call
{any}vRawValue? the raw value from the meta model, e.g. {AnnotationPath : "ToSupplier/"} or {AnnotationPath : ""}; embedded within an entity set or entity type;
  • if this function is used as formatter the value is provided by the framework
  • if this function is called directly, provide the parameter only if it is already calculated
  • if the parameter is omitted, it is calculated automatically through oInterface.getObject("")
{string} the resulting string value to write into the processed XML, e.g. "{ToSupplier}" or "{}" (in case no navigation is needed); returns "" in case the navigation path cannot be determined (this is treated as falsy in template:if statements!)
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntitySet(oContext): string
Helper function for a template:with instruction that depending on how it is called goes to the entity set with the given name or to the one determined by the last navigation property. Supports the following dynamic expressions:
  • "14.5.2 Expression edm:AnnotationPath"
  • "14.5.11 Expression edm:NavigationPropertyPath"
  • "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path"
  • "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath"


  <template:with path="facet>Target" helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntitySet" var="entitySet"/>
  <template:with path="associationSetEnd>entitySet" helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntitySet" var="entitySet"/>
{sap.ui.model.Context}oContext a context which must point to a simple string or to an annotation (or annotation property) of type Edm.AnnotationPath, Edm.NaviagtionPropertyPath, Edm.Path, or Edm.PropertyPath embedded within an entity set or entity type; the context's model must be an sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMetaModel
{string} the path to the entity set, or undefined if no such set is found
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntityType(oContext): string
Helper function for a template:with instruction that goes to the entity type with the qualified name which oContext points at.

Example: Assume that "entitySet" refers to an entity set within an OData meta model; the helper function is then called on the "entityType" property of that entity set (which holds the qualified name of the entity type) and in turn the path of that entity type is assigned to the variable "entityType".

  <template:with path="entitySet>entityType" helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoEntityType" var="entityType">
{sap.ui.model.Context}oContext a context which must point to the qualified name of an entity type; the context's model must be an sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMetaModel
{string} the path to the entity type with the given qualified name, or undefined if no such type is found
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoFunctionImport(oContext): string
Helper function for a template:with instruction that goes to the function import with the name which oContext points at.

Example: Assume that "dataField" refers to a DataFieldForAction within an OData meta model; the helper function is then called on the "Action" property of that data field (which holds an object with the qualified name of the function import in the String property) and in turn the path of that function import is assigned to the variable "function".

  <template:with path="dataField>Action"
  helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.gotoFunctionImport" var="function">
{sap.ui.model.Context}oContext a context which must point to an object with a String property, which holds the qualified name of the function import; the context's model must be an sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMetaModel
{string} the path to the function import with the given qualified name, or undefined if no function import is found
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.isMultiple(oInterface, vRawValue?): string
A formatter function to be used in a complex binding inside an XML template view in order to interpret OData V4 annotations. It knows about the following dynamic expressions:
  • "14.5.2 Expression edm:AnnotationPath"
  • "14.5.11 Expression edm:NavigationPropertyPath"
  • "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path"
  • "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath"
It returns the information whether the navigation path ends with an association end with multiplicity "*". It throws an error if the navigation path has an association end with multiplicity "*" which is not the last one. Currently supports navigation properties. Term casts and annotations of navigation properties terminate the navigation path.


<template:if test="{path: 'facet>Target', formatter: 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.isMultiple'}">
{sap.ui.core.util.XMLPreprocessor.IContext|sap.ui.model.Context}oInterface the callback interface related to the current formatter call
{any}vRawValue? the raw value from the meta model, e.g. {AnnotationPath : "ToSupplier/"} or {AnnotationPath : ""}; embedded within an entity set or entity type;
  • if this function is used as formatter the value is provided by the framework
  • if this function is called directly, provide the parameter only if it is already calculated
  • if the parameter is omitted, it is calculated automatically through oInterface.getObject("")
{Error} if the navigation path has an association end with multiplicity "*" which is not the last one
{string}"true" if the navigation path ends with an association end with multiplicity "*", "" in case the navigation path cannot be determined, "false" otherwise (the latter are both treated as falsy in template:if statements!)
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.resolvePath(oContext): string
Helper function for a template:with instruction that resolves a dynamic "14.5.2 Expression edm:AnnotationPath", "14.5.11 Expression edm:NavigationPropertyPath", "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path" or "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath". Currently supports navigation properties and term casts.


  <template:with path="meta>Value" helper="sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.resolvePath" var="target">
{sap.ui.model.Context}oContext a context which must point to an annotation or annotation property of type Edm.AnnotationPath, Edm.NavigationPropertyPath, Edm.Path or Edm.PropertyPath, embedded within an entity set or entity type; the context's model must be an sap.ui.model.odata.ODataMetaModel
{string} the path to the target, or undefined in case the path cannot be resolved
sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.simplePath(oInterface, vRawValue?): string
Formatter function that is used in a complex binding inside an XML template view. The function is used to interpret OData V4 annotations, supporting the same annotations as format but with a simplified output aimed at design-time templating with smart controls.

In contrast to format, "14.5.12 Expression edm:Path" or "14.5.13 Expression edm:PropertyPath" is turned into a simple binding path without type or constraint information. In certain cases, a complex binding is required to allow for proper escaping of the path.


  <sfi:SmartField value="{path: 'meta>Value', formatter: 'sap.ui.model.odata.AnnotationHelper.simplePath'}"/>
{sap.ui.core.util.XMLPreprocessor.IContext|sap.ui.model.Context}oInterface the callback interface related to the current formatter call
{any}vRawValue? the raw value from the meta model, which is embedded within an entity set or entity type:
  • if this function is used as formatter the value is provided by the framework
  • if this function is called directly, provide the parameter only if it is already calculated
  • if the parameter is omitted, it is calculated automatically through oInterface.getObject("")
{string} the resulting string value to write into the processed XML