Class sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainerModule: sap/ui/vbm/ClusterContainer
extends Container
Specific Visual Object element acting as a container for cluster visualization objects. A ClusterContainer is positioned at a calculated position on the map. It aggregates a visualization controls, which will then move with the map.
Since a ClusterContainer is not a real visual object most features borrowed from VoBase and event Container will not work. There is no label, no edit mode, and no drop support. Events like click may only be fired if the aggregated control is not handling them. The properties are not changeable as well as the aggregated item. Only read access is possible
Constructor Summary
Events borrowed from class sap.ui.vbm.VoBase
Events borrowed from class sap.ui.base.ManagedObject
Method Summary
sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?)Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer with name
and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo
.sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.getMetadata()Returns a metadata object for class sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.vbm.Container
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.vbm.VoBase
attachClick, attachContextMenu, attachDrop, attachHandleClick, attachHandleContextMenu, attachHandleMoved, detachClick, detachContextMenu, detachDrop, detachHandleClick, detachHandleContextMenu, detachHandleMoved, fireClick, fireContextMenu, fireDrop, fireHandleClick, fireHandleContextMenu, fireHandleMoved, getChangeable, getDragData, getEntity, getFxdir, getFxsize, getHotDeltaColor, getHotScale, getKey, getLabelArrow, getLabelBgColor, getLabelBorderColor, getLabelPos, getLabelText, getLabelType, getSelect, getSelectColor, openContextMenu, openDetailWindow, setChangeable, setDragData, setEntity, setFxdir, setFxsize, setHotDeltaColor, setHotScale, setKey, setLabelArrow, setLabelBgColor, setLabelBorderColor, setLabelPos, setLabelText, setLabelType, setSelect, setSelectColor
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.core.Element
$, addCustomData, addDependent, addEventDelegate, applyFocusInfo, bindElement, clone, data, destroy, destroyCustomData, destroyDependents, destroyLayoutData, destroyTooltip, enhanceAccessibilityState, exit, findElements, fireEvent, focus, getCustomData, getDependents, getDomRef, getElementBinding, getFocusDomRef, getFocusInfo, getInterface, getLayoutData, getMetadata, getTooltip, getTooltip_AsString, getTooltip_Text, indexOfCustomData, indexOfDependent, init, insertCustomData, insertDependent, prop, removeAllCustomData, removeAllDependents, removeCustomData, removeDependent, removeEventDelegate, rerender, setLayoutData, setTooltip, toString, unbindElement
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.base.ManagedObject
addAggregation, addAssociation, applySettings, attachFormatError, attachModelContextChange, attachParseError, attachValidationError, attachValidationSuccess, bindAggregation, bindContext, bindObject, bindProperty, destroyAggregation, detachFormatError, detachModelContextChange, detachParseError, detachValidationError, detachValidationSuccess, findAggregatedObjects, fireFormatError, fireModelContextChange, fireParseError, fireValidationError, fireValidationSuccess, getAggregation, getAssociation, getBinding, getBindingContext, getBindingInfo, getBindingPath, getEventingParent, getId, getModel, getObjectBinding, getOriginInfo, getParent, getProperty, hasModel, indexOfAggregation, insertAggregation, invalidate, isBound, isInvalidateSuppressed, isTreeBinding, propagateMessages, removeAggregation, removeAllAggregation, removeAllAssociation, removeAssociation, setAggregation, setAssociation, setBindingContext, setModel, setProperty, unbindAggregation, unbindContext, unbindObject, unbindProperty, validateAggregation, validateProperty
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.base.EventProvider
Constructor Detail
Method Detail
sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?): function
Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer with name
and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo
. oClassInfo
might contain the same kind of information as described in sap.ui.vbm.Container.extend.
{string} | sClassName | Name of the class being created |
{object} | oClassInfo? | Object literal with information about the class |
{function} | FNMetaImpl? | Constructor function for the metadata object; if not given, it defaults to sap.ui.core.ElementMetadata |
{function} | Created class / constructor function |
sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.getMetadata(): sap.ui.base.Metadata
Returns a metadata object for class sap.ui.vbm.ClusterContainer.
{sap.ui.base.Metadata} | Metadata object describing this class |