Class sap.ui.vbm.DragSourceModule: sap/ui/vbm/DragSource
extends Element
DragSource Aggregation element
Constructor Summary
Events borrowed from class sap.ui.base.ManagedObject
Method Summary
sap.ui.vbm.DragSource.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?)Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.vbm.DragSource with name
and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo
.Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.core.Element
$, addCustomData, addDependent, addEventDelegate, applyFocusInfo, bindElement, clone, data, destroy, destroyCustomData, destroyDependents, destroyLayoutData, destroyTooltip, enhanceAccessibilityState, exit, findElements, fireEvent, focus, getCustomData, getDependents, getDomRef, getElementBinding, getFocusDomRef, getFocusInfo, getInterface, getLayoutData, getMetadata, getTooltip, getTooltip_AsString, getTooltip_Text, indexOfCustomData, indexOfDependent, init, insertCustomData, insertDependent, prop, removeAllCustomData, removeAllDependents, removeCustomData, removeDependent, removeEventDelegate, rerender, setLayoutData, setTooltip, toString, unbindElement
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.base.ManagedObject
addAggregation, addAssociation, applySettings, attachFormatError, attachModelContextChange, attachParseError, attachValidationError, attachValidationSuccess, bindAggregation, bindContext, bindObject, bindProperty, destroyAggregation, detachFormatError, detachModelContextChange, detachParseError, detachValidationError, detachValidationSuccess, findAggregatedObjects, fireFormatError, fireModelContextChange, fireParseError, fireValidationError, fireValidationSuccess, getAggregation, getAssociation, getBinding, getBindingContext, getBindingInfo, getBindingPath, getEventingParent, getId, getModel, getObjectBinding, getOriginInfo, getParent, getProperty, hasModel, indexOfAggregation, insertAggregation, invalidate, isBound, isInvalidateSuppressed, isTreeBinding, propagateMessages, removeAggregation, removeAllAggregation, removeAllAssociation, removeAssociation, setAggregation, setAssociation, setBindingContext, setModel, setProperty, unbindAggregation, unbindContext, unbindObject, unbindProperty, validateAggregation, validateProperty
Methods borrowed from class sap.ui.base.EventProvider
Constructor Detail
new sap.ui.vbm.DragSource(sId?, mSettings?)
Constructor for a new DragSource.
Accepts an object literal mSettings
that defines initial property values, aggregated and associated objects as well as event handlers. See sap.ui.base.ManagedObject for a general description of the syntax of the settings object.
The supported settings are:
- Properties
- type : string
In addition, all settings applicable to the base type sap.ui.core.Element can be used as well.
{string} | sId? | id for the new control, generated automatically if no id is given |
{object} | mSettings? | initial settings for the new control |
Method Detail
sap.ui.vbm.DragSource.extend(sClassName, oClassInfo?, FNMetaImpl?): function
Creates a new subclass of class sap.ui.vbm.DragSource with name
and enriches it with the information contained in oClassInfo
. oClassInfo
might contain the same kind of information as described in sap.ui.core.Element.extend.
{string} | sClassName | Name of the class being created |
{object} | oClassInfo? | Object literal with information about the class |
{function} | FNMetaImpl? | Constructor function for the metadata object; if not given, it defaults to sap.ui.core.ElementMetadata |
{function} | Created class / constructor function |
sap.ui.vbm.DragSource.getMetadata(): sap.ui.base.Metadata
Returns a metadata object for class sap.ui.vbm.DragSource.
{sap.ui.base.Metadata} | Metadata object describing this class |
getType(): string
Gets current value of property
. Drag type
{string} | Value of property type |
setType(sType): sap.ui.vbm.DragSource
Sets a new value for property
. Drag type
When called with a value of null
or undefined
, the default value of the property will be restored.
{string} | sType | New value for property type |
{sap.ui.vbm.DragSource} | Reference to this in order to allow method chaining |