Namespace sap/ca/ui/library
SAP UI library: Fiori Commons
Namespaces & Classes
AddPictureEnables users to add pictures into a form.
CustomerContextThis control allows you to open a dialog containing a list of customers for users to pick.
CustomerControlListItemExtends the ObjectListItem to display a line in the customer context control.
DatePickerAllows end users to interact with dates.
ExpansibleFeedListItemExtends the FeedListItem to hide text when it is longer than maxLines.
FileUploadAllows you to display a list of uploaded files.
GrowingTileContainerA Tile container for the Overview tile with growing capabilities
HierarchicalSelectDialogSelect an item in a dialog from a hierarchical list
HierarchicalSelectDialogItemKind of item required by the control.
HierarchyDisplay the Hierarchy of an item.
HierarchyItemItem that represent a line of the Hierarchy control.
InPlaceEditThis control is used to switch between readonly and edit modes.
messageProvides methods to show messages with type of Success, Error, Warning and Information in a Fiori style.
NotesThis control is a List with the ability to render an additional control on top of it to add new notes.
OverflowContainerThe OverflowContainer allows the content of a control to be partially displayed before being fully expanded.
OverviewTileDisplay aTile that presents an overview of a customer
PictureItemA picture / photo Item for AddPicture and PictureViewer Controls
PictureTileTile control embedding an image and allowing custom sizing
PictureViewerPicture viewer control relying on the TileContainer control
PictureViewerItemPicture viewer control relying on the TileContainer control
ZoomableScrollContainerBased on a ScrollContainer, it allows you to pinch and zoom on mobile devices