Class sap/ui/model/analytics/odata4analytics

Creation of URIs for fetching a query dimension value set.

Constructor Summary
new, oParameterizationRequest, bUseMasterData)Create a request object for interaction with a dimension value help.
Method Summary
getFilterExpression()Get the filter expression for this request.
getResultPageBoundaries()Returns the current page boundaries as object with properties start and end.
getSortExpression()Get the sort expression for this request.
getURIQueryOptionValue(sQueryOptionName)Get the value of an query option for the OData request URI corresponding to this request.
getURIToDimensionMemberEntitySet(sServiceRootURI)Get the URI to locate the entity set for the dimension memebers.
getURIToDimensionMemberEntries(sServiceRootURI)Get the unescaped URI to fetch the dimension members, optionally augmented by text and attributes.
setFilterExpression(oFilter)Set the filter expression for this request.
setParameterizationRequest(oParameterizationRequest)Set the parameterization request required for retrieving dimension members directly from the query result, if it is parameterized.
setRequestOptions(bIncludeCount)Set further options to be applied for the OData request
setResultPageBoundaries(start, end)Specify that only a page of the query result shall be returned.
setSortExpression(oSorter)Set the sort expression for this request.
Constructor Detail
new, oParameterizationRequest, bUseMasterData)
Create a request object for interaction with a dimension value help. Such a value help is served by either the query result entity set, in which case the returned dimension members are limited to those also used in the query result data. Or, the value help is populated by a master data entity set, if made available by the service. In this case, the result will include all valid members for that dimension.
{}oDimension Description of a dimension
{}oParameterizationRequest (optional) Request object for interactions with the parameterization of the query result or (not yet supported) master data entity set Such an object is required if the entity set holding the dimension members includes parameters.
{boolean}bUseMasterData (optional) Indicates use of master data for determining the dimension members.
Method Detail
Get the filter expression for this request.

Expressions are represented by separate objects. If none exists so far, a new expression object gets created.

{} The filter object associated to this request.
getResultPageBoundaries(): Object
Returns the current page boundaries as object with properties start and end. If the end of the page is unbounded, end is null.
{Object} the current page boundaries as object
Get the sort expression for this request.

Expressions are represented by separate objects. If none exists so far, a new expression object gets created.

{} The sort object associated to this request.
getURIQueryOptionValue(sQueryOptionName): String
Get the value of an query option for the OData request URI corresponding to this request.
{String}sQueryOptionName Identifies the query option: $select, $filter,... or any custom query option
{String} The value of the requested query option or null, if this option is not used for the OData request.
getURIToDimensionMemberEntitySet(sServiceRootURI): String
Get the URI to locate the entity set for the dimension memebers.
{String}sServiceRootURI (optional) Identifies the root of the OData service
{String} The resource path of the URI pointing to the entity set. It is a relative URI unless a service root is given, which would then prefixed in order to return a complete URL.
getURIToDimensionMemberEntries(sServiceRootURI): String
Get the unescaped URI to fetch the dimension members, optionally augmented by text and attributes.
{String}sServiceRootURI (optional) Identifies the root of the OData service
{String} The unescaped URI that contains the OData resource path and OData system query options to express the request for the parameter value set..
Set the filter expression for this request.

Expressions are represented by separate objects. Calling this method replaces the filter object maintained by this request.

{}oFilter The filter object to be associated with this request.
Set the parameterization request required for retrieving dimension members directly from the query result, if it is parameterized.
oParameterizationRequest Request object for interactions with the parameterization of this query result
Set further options to be applied for the OData request
{Boolean}bIncludeCount Indicates whether or not the result shall include a count for the returned entities. Default is not to include it. Pass null to keep current setting.
setResultPageBoundaries(start, end)
Specify that only a page of the query result shall be returned. A page is described by its boundaries, that are row numbers for the first and last rows in the query result to be returned.
{Number}start The first row of the query result to be returned. Numbering starts at 1. Passing null is equivalent to start with the first row.
{Number}end The last row of the query result to be returned. Passing null is equivalent to get all rows up to the end of the query result.
Set the sort expression for this request.

Expressions are represented by separate objects. Calling this method replaces the sort object maintained by this request.

{}oSorter The sort object to be associated with this request.