Class sap/ui/model/analytics/odata4analytics

Creation of URIs for query parameterizations.

Constructor Summary
new a request object for interaction with a query parameterization.
Method Summary
getParameterization()Get the description of the parameterization on which this request operates on
getURIToParameterizationEntitySet(sServiceRootURI)Get the URI to locate the entity set for the query parameterization.
getURIToParameterizationEntry(sServiceRootURI)Get the URI to locate the parameterization entity for the values assigned to all parameters beforehand.
setParameterValue(sParameterName, sValue, sToValue)Assign a value to a parameter
Constructor Detail
Create a request object for interaction with a query parameterization.
{}oParameterization Description of a query parameterization
Method Detail
Get the description of the parameterization on which this request operates on
{} Description of a query parameterization
Get the URI to locate the entity set for the query parameterization.
{String}sServiceRootURI (optional) Identifies the root of the OData service
Get the URI to locate the parameterization entity for the values assigned to all parameters beforehand. Notice that a value must be supplied for every parameter including those marked as optional. For optional parameters, assign the special value that the service provider uses as an "omitted" value. For example, for services based on BW Easy Queries, this would be an empty string.
{String}sServiceRootURI (optional) Identifies the root of the OData service
setParameterValue(sParameterName, sValue, sToValue)
Assign a value to a parameter
{String}sParameterName Name of the parameter. In case of a range value, provide the name of the lower boundary parameter.
{String}sValue Assigned value. Pass null to remove a value assignment.
{String}sToValue Omit it or set it to null for single values. If set, it will be assigned to the upper boundary parameter