Class sap/ui/model/analytics/odata4analytics

Representation of an entity type annotated with sap:semantics="parameters".

Constructor Summary
new, oEntitySet)Create a representation of a parameterization for an analytic query.
Method Summary
findParameterByName(sName)Find parameter by name
getAllParameterNames()Get the names of all parameters part of the parameterization
getAllParameters()Get all parameters included in this parameterization
getEntitySet()Get the entity set representing this query result in the OData model
getEntityType()Get the entity type defining the type of this query result in the OData model
getName()Get the name of the parameter
getNavigationPropertyToQueryResult()Get navigation property to query result
Constructor Detail
new, oEntitySet)
Create a representation of a parameterization for an analytic query. Do not create your own instances.
{}oEntityType The OData entity type for this parameterization
{}oEntitySet The OData entity set for this parameterization offered by the OData service
Method Detail
Find parameter by name
{string}sName Parameter name
{} The parameter object with this name or null if it does not exist
getAllParameterNames(): array(string)
Get the names of all parameters part of the parameterization
{array(string)} List of all parameter names
getAllParameters(): object
Get all parameters included in this parameterization
{object} An object with individual JS properties for each parameter included in the query result. The JS object properties all are objects of type odata4analytics.Parameter. The names of the JS object properties are given by the OData entity type property names representing the parameter keys.
Get the entity set representing this query result in the OData model
{} The OData entity set representing this query result
Get the entity type defining the type of this query result in the OData model
{} The OData entity type for this query result
getName(): string
Get the name of the parameter
{string} The name of the parameterization, which is identical with the name of the entity set representing the parameterization in the OData service
Get navigation property to query result
{} The parameter object with this name or null if it does not exist