Namespace sap.ui.vbmModule: sap/ui/vbm/library
SAP UI library: sap.ui.vbm
Namespaces & Classes
Adapter3DProvides the ability to load VBI JSON into sap.ui.vbm.Viewport control.
AnalyticMapThe AnalyticMap control.
AreaSpecific Visual Object element for an Area.
AreasType specific Visual Object aggregation for Area instances.
BoxSpecific Visual Object element for a Box.
BoxesType specific Visual Object aggregation for Box instances.
CircleSpecific Visual Object element for an Circle.
CirclesType specific Visual Object aggregation for Circle elements.
ClusterCluster control to visualize clustered objects on a map.
ClusterBaseAbtract base class for Clustering types.
ClusterContainerSpecific Visual Object element acting as a container for cluster visualization objects.
ClusterDistanceCluster definition element for distance based clusters.
ClusterGridCluster definition element for grid based clusters.
ClusterInfoTypeCluster Info Type
ClusterTreeCluster definition element for tree clusters.
ContainerSpecific Visual Object element acting as a container for other controls.
ContainersType specific Visual Object aggregation for Container instances.
DragSourceDragSource Aggregation element
DropTargetDropTarget Aggregation element
FeatureThe Feature element can be added to the items aggregation of a FeatureCollection.
FeatureCollectionFeatureCollection aggregation container.
GeoCircleSpecific Visual Object element for a GeoCircle.
GeoCirclesType specific Visual Object aggregation for GeoCircle elements.
GeoJsonLayerGeoJsonLayer aggregation container.
GeoMapMap control with the option to position multiple visual objects on top of a map.
HeatmapType specific Visual Object aggregation for HeatPoint instances.
HeatPointSpecific Visual Object element for a HeatPoint.
LegendThe Legend is a window in the GeoMap or AnalyticMap control wich can be used to display color/icon-text pairs on a map.
LegendItemAggregation element for the Legend.
PieSpecific Visual Object element for a Pie Chart.
PieItemSlice element for a Pie Chart.
PiesType specific Visual Object aggregation for Pie instances.
RegionRegion properties.
ResourceA resource is a Base64 encoded representation of an image binary that can be referenced by name in e.g.
RouteSpecific Visual Object element for a Route.
RoutesType specific Visual Object aggregation for Route elements.
RouteTypeRoute type, determining how line between start and endpoint should be drawn.
SemanticTypeSemantic type with pre-defined display properties, like colors, icon, pin image, and so on.
SpotSpecific Visual Object element for a Spot.
SpotsType specific Visual Object aggregation for Spot elements.
VBIThe VBI control.
ViewportProvides a control for three js canvas.
VoAbstractAbstract VO aggregation container.
VoAggregationAbstract VO aggregation container.
VoBaseAbstract aggregation element for VO aggregations.